

HI Guys!!!
Recap:last epi we know that how champ and craze become frds now we see where thy are going to at 5oclk...

Both leave the circus and come to the Jhon's house because they r opening a new brand shop the next day some little wrks are bending so thy planned to complete the work together.Zaara called her father,dad some wrks r bending we waana complete tht so I'm staying in Jhon's home today plz dad she asked,her father tell nothing for a moment and he tell kk zaara be safe my drr love he said nd cut the call
(zaara's father knows very well abt both frdship...)
the 1st tym she is staying outside but she has no fear because she feel well protected wid him.she feels very happy to sty in his home. That night she cook the dinner for he and his father and also she cooks well but he doesn't say anything nd his father appreciate her cooking spr dinner zaara.. she smiled at him.After dinner thy complete the bal wrk at 1.30 .They are very tired at tht tym also she tries to speak with him but he tell me also so tried craze kk Gn haaaaaaaa.......
he slept. she see him only and speak herself in my mind I have many thoughts but I cant express in front of u I like u very much but I don't know I love you r not Wht can I doo¡¡¡😍😐
telling like thiz nd she guffaw herself nd fall asleep...
Next day
" shop opening at 8oclk "
so she waked up at 7oclk and went her home to get ready Jhon's father told don't go Zaara here I will give a dress refresh here she replied it's kk pa I have to goo and she went .
(on the way her mind set
Hey Jhon if you tell these wrds means I'm very happy and definitely I sty there for u but u won't tell anything the thought come to her mind at the same time tears welled in her eyes but she didn't know the reason why she is crying her heart ND mind is full of John nd she experiences the new feel nd I think I only interested on him so don't disturb him until he says like that she made a decision with tears ful pain)
In home...
Zaara's father asking she came r not ?r she called u ? like that her father raising the question to her mom correctly Zaara on the door step dad I'm here nd finally came to our palace 😉 telling like that nd hug her father he also hugged too kk my honey bunch go nd get ready for the function he said kk my dr cuppycake nd kissed her father she went.
they become ready nd go to the function Jhon welcomed them with a rose bouquet 💐 nd others also come finally the shop opening ceremony complete with happy endings for all except Zaara because for tht function Jhon invited his office colliuges nd Joy also. His office mates r mostly girls thy speaks with him very closely including Joy (she also have a crush on him) on seeing thizzzzz all she has a very angry and scold them a lot .After thy went only he come to zaara- hey!craze I'm Bc d I think u saw that so only I have no tym to speak with you d kk come we will go out he said. mm ss da I saw ur Bc wid ur frds nd u forgot me thanks da bye go go nd chat nd talk with ur frds nd I will go bye 😠😠 telling like this she walks on her way. From her back voice only coming hey lusyy Trm we will at 5oclk at the coffee shop u must come craze kk bye and he grinned on her she turns back nd said I have no leave nd I won't come bye like that she tell and went.The next dayy
Zaara go to her wrk there her nursing superidint said to her Zaara today we put a small eye checkup camp near the circus so u nd ur team go there kk she said zaara replied kk mam we will go and Zaara ready for the camp and thy finally go to the circus
(zaaras mind today wanna see a circus difinetly )
there is no man in tht place all r shockeddd... 😱😱😱
wait for the surprise......
to be continued........

© -krish 👣