

For long it was foretold by the gods of the village- Tumaini, that one would come who would save them from the mighty "Shari " the atrocious queen who forcefully took ownership of their lands and made them serve her- His birth would shake the mountains and give birth to a new dawn, his arms would raise Tumaini and on his back she would ride to freedom. Night and day Staraabu would gather the children and tell them this kismet.
"Aiiii, mama!" Sarabi shouted
"enough with the stories already, stop giving these children humbug to eat, things are already hard enough without the children thinking a saviour would come"
"Sarabi, you used to believe in this stories too..."
well i got tired of waiting and grew up mama, she retorted as she led the kids back into their huts.
"you must stop all this mama, No saviour is coming, this is our fate and the sooner you accept it the better." Its getting late my dear and it looks like the clouds are are ready again to cry with us this night said Saraabi. "Get some sleep my baby, rest your unborn child" she added as they both entered their hut.
That night while the thunder roared and the lightning paced in the sky Sarabi's child in the womb kicked so furiously that the whole of Tumaini heard her scream, the breeze blew so hard as if to pull the mountains that sorrounded them. For each scream Sarabi let out the thunder would answer almost like it heard her.
"The baby is coming" Staraabu yelled for help..but the storm was determined to let no one come close.
"Help me mama...I'm dying..."
her voice faint and her body soaked by her own sweat
"No,.....my love, you will not die...Push my baby push" Staraabu said while tears trickled down her cheek... Gormamu save our soul, the mother cried as she saw what she never imagined in her entire life.
To be continued..
