

My Marionette With strings.
January first 1950.

I sat near her bed looking deep Into her red ruby eyes rubbing her
light brown skin. My wife has not been the same ever since she has gotten this fever, her skin is pale and it looks like the ruby red is fading away from her eyes. I have imformed the doctors, but with no cure, no hope, they said that she would die tomorrow morning. My beautieful Wife, Marry, will never see the sun rise again! you may think that I am being to dramatic, no-no I am not, I care for my wife as anyone would...or should. I kissed her on the hand not acknowlaging the fact that I myself might get sick. We both live in a slim tall house. just the way I...I mean, we...like it. It was a rainy day in our small little town, I rush down stairs and put my coat on. Maybe, some soup would help Marry. I have to go to 'Boils Soup.' that is the most famous place where everyone gets their soups. I walked quickley but it seemed like the rain only got worse and I fear that Marry's sickness has gotten worse too. I started to run but tripped over a stone and fell into a puddle of water. I opened my eyes to see that I was in a secluded area. I believed I was in one of those dark alleyways. I hear a voice speak out to me.
"If you saught for help then come to me, I may be the only hope that you see." The voice sounded...pretty, soft, and gental. I got up off the ground and followed the voice. I walk further down the alleyway, I saw a woman in a black cloak, she had dark purple hair and sharp nails. I took a deep breath and turned as I started to walk away.
"WAIT!" She called out. "Why go so soon, I have not even gotten to introduce!" I stop and slowly turn back around. she smiled and came up to me so fast I didn't even see her move.
"My name is Lue, and I can tell by your hurting heart you're in a heap of...doo doo."
"Really? Doo doo?" I repeated. she nods her head.
"I can help you...trust me. I want what's best for you-oh! And everyone else of course." I only want whats best for my Wife, we had not even gotten our children yet. and I wasn't going to let that chance slip away. I looked at her with worry. how does she know this stuff?
"Don't you want what's best for your wife?" I slowly nod my head. "Good...now, if your wifes heart is dying then you need these." she put a bunch of white strings in the palm of my hand. she put a doll in the other. The doll was a small one made with cotton.
"All you have to do is rap the strings around the two arms, the two legs, and the neck and SQUEEEZE!" as she said so I squeeze the doll as tight as i can with the strings. I wasnt sure what this was supposed to do, but I went with it anyway. She clapped her hand in excitement.
"Now, keep the doll with you at all times."
"What-what does it do?" I ask holding the doll with tip of my finger. The lady Lue smirked at me.
"Allows you, to have full control" My eyes winden. "that'll be 7,000." Lue said as she put her hand in my face. I scoff.
"WHAT!? Bu-but I cant even offored that..." Lue shook her head and made a pouty face.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk...What else do you have?" I check my coat pockets. nothing. I check my pants pocket, somthing! I took out a necklace. it had a silver chain with a golden heart at the end sayig, 'you make my heart shine.' I frown as I stare at the necklace.
"This is-"
"PERFECT!" She interrupted as she swiped the necklace from my hand. "it's Perfect..." I am starting to feel something I don't want to feel, regret? no matter, this is for the best.
"Now, I must be on my jolly way! Bye!" shata sang as a puff a smoke appeared out of nowhere. I ran back home gripping the doll tight in my hand. It was still raining and the sky's were gray. I make it to my house and shut the door, I race up stairs and see my wife. I bent down by the bedside and smiled at her.
"Chris..." Marry called out to me, her voice sounded frail and weak. "where is the soup you were supposed to get me?"
"I got somethin' better!" I show her the doll that I got, ahe frowned. This doll may not seem like much but it has to work. I went to bed last night pondering about what Lue said. What did she mean by full control. I bearly got any sleep last nigh.
"UGHAAAAAAA!" My wife's high pitched scream sent me tumbling out of my bed.
"MARRY!" I yell, I get up of the floor and ran down to the bathroom door, it was locked. I bang on the door. Marry burst the door open sobbing. She was looking in the mirror, my eyes go wide. My wife supposed to be dead! She had strings hanging down her arms neck and legs, it worked! She small red dots on her cheeks.
"Oh...My! Marry, why, you are a..." Marry took a deep breath before she screamed on the top of her lungs.

© toohoo@