

The Science of Second Chance
Does life give us a second chance? The race had begun and he/she wondered if he/she would win this time round.

Everybody deserve for the second chance, the rights is, only at our own hand to choose, either become tbe rightful person, who's become, or the other part, of the versus type.

My quotes, " Love The Nature of Forgiven, Talk Seriously, When Got Chance, Become The Kindness Content Mature Person"

People perception, depends on their self-thinking, so, whatever we try to impress, it based on judgement of personality, equally, the quality of Intelligence. No same expectation, just love ourselves and build up the motivational traits, for add Success Traits, excells effect in various way.

The life of career, everything got stable, is so, beyond, under our control, and Healing Process, is the Growth, Difficult Process of Adult Life Stage, require the Hardwork and Self- Displine, Sovereignty of Introvert or Extrovert Person, of Personality & Personal Traits.

Forget the Taboo issues, of failed relationship or mental health disorder, author's prefer, the Intellect part, of the Future Rise Issues, articulates, the organizational, Metaphor's of Academic Learning Process, and Training Centre.

The probability of tbe Solution, takes the billion consequences of Modern Talking, transmit the Configural Scientific Process, of Personificates Arbiturates the Philosophy of Major Setback of Experimental Research Coherence of Technology Advancementz

© Shelly @Nicky