

High school love

Berry:Hey babe
Sara:You said wah?
Berry:Was just greeting you
Sara:I don't even know you
Berry:Then get to know me
Sara: Sorry I don't talk to strangers
Berry:Buh we all just got admitted to this school, which means we all don't know each other we just have to make new friends
Sara: Maybe another time I think I need to go
Berry: okay bye

They all move towards the exit door.
Junior:Hey Berry where have you being
Berry:I was talking to a pretty angel over there
Junior: what's her name
Berry:I didn't get the chance to ask
Junior:What were you discussing that was so interesting that you forgot to ask of her name
Berry:She actually didn't give me a chance to
Berry: What's so funny
Junior:Try harder next time
Berry: That doesn't answer my question
Junior: bruh I have to get going so I won't get late for work
Berry: Okay bye,see you tomorrow let me take a walk while I wait for my driver(lex)
Junior: Bye

Junior is from a middle class family striving has hard has he can to be among the best he works at a bar named Flint
Berry on the other side who is from a rich family with a big dream of becoming a musician
Sara the only child of the magret family, both her parents her into politics they are both strict.
Next episode coming up soon
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