

The Hello Man Chapter 7: The Anti Blood Knife
On the first of December 2025 a man named George Xavier went in a weapon shop somewhere in Texas. He bought a knife, a knife with a red blade and a brown handle. George was a proud hunter. That night at his house, he dreamed about him standing in a desert where it was raining blood. He saw a man with demon wings or was it a Demon, any way the Demon had a brown suit, black pants, a red tie, black hair, had red eyes, had a white glowing cross on his forehead and it looked like as if his mouth was worked clossed with black string. George heard a whispering voice whisper, "Hello". The next thing George knew was that the man-demon who was infront of him disappeared. He heard the same whispering voice from earlier whisper, "Hello" again. He looked behind him, because thats where the voice was coming from. He saw nothing. He heard the same whispering voice again who this time was a little deeper and a bit darker, whisper "Hello mortal, I'm The Hello Man". George looked in front of him and he saw The Hello Man who turned into blue fire and went flying in his mouth. Just when George fell dead on the floor, he woke up with red glowing eyes, a glowing cross on his forehead, with a brown suit, with black pants, had a red tie, had black hair, looked like as if his mouth was worked clossed and he had Demon wings on his back. He opened and closed his eyes. He died and The Hello Man was in control of the body from now on. The Hello Man possessed George's body. The Hello Man looked in his right hand and saw the Anti Blood Knife. He walked out of the house slowly. When he walked out the house he stood still for a few moments in the middle of the streets. He raised his hand and showed his thumb at the house's derection and the the house exploded into pieces on fire. Just before the neighbors went out of their houses The Hello Man opened his wings and flew into the sky while disappearing. He landed in front of a hotel. He walked in and a while later he saw a painting on a wall. On the painting was the well known Demon known as SATAN. Around SATAN stood humans in the painting. The Hello Man looked at the painting carefully. All the sudden the painting turned orange. The Hello Man had a dark tingle feeling. He walked through the orange painting and appeared in a place known as the Underworld. The Hello Man saw many dead mortal bodies, reapers, werewolfs, vampires and more creatures. The Hello Man saw a path way made of black rocks. The Hello Man followed the path. About a hour later the path took him to a hill. On the hill was a golden throne. On the throne sat SATAN the god of all creatures in Hell and the Underworld. SATAN yelled to The Hello Man in a angry deep voice, "You, you can't be here, I killed you, you should be burning to death you pice of mortal flesh!". The Hello Man replied by whispering: "Unlike you I turned my back on you and that made me more powerful than ever, I'm immortal know and I will not die, not until you are dead and I am on your throne". "You are banned from Hell and the Underworld from now on you miserable mortal flesh!" yelled SATAN to The Hello Man while lifting his golden huge trident, pointing it at The Hello Man. All the sudden The Hello Man disappeared from the Underworld and appeared in front of that painting of earlier. The painting turned normal. The Hello Man looked behind him and saw a family of 5 with bags frightened behind him. The Hello Man still had the Ani Blood Knife in his right hand. He used it to sliced the hole family's throats. As the family fell dead on the floor The Hello Man walked out of the hotel. Just before he opened his wings and flew away, a priest saw him. The priest had a cellphone in his hand. The cellphone fell out of his hand and he thought to himself, "How can this be, We killed him, he can be here, he should be in Hell burning for all eternity." The priest remembered the knife in The Hello Man's hand, another priest once told him about the legend of that knife, The Anti Blood Knife. The priest began running to the nearest church. When he was still on his way to the church he saw The Hello Man landed just in front of him. The priest saw that The Hello Man still had the knife in his hand. So the priest took out a holy golden gun out of his pocket and shot the knife out of The Hello Man's hand. He shot The Hello Man on his forehead. The Hello Man fell to the ground while the priest took the knife and began running to the church. The Hello Man stood up from the ground. His eyes was now as red as ever while his forehead regenerated. The Hello Man went flying in the sky trying to catch the priest, but the priest reached the church. The priest went in. He looked behind him and saw that The Hello Man couldn't go in the church, because of his unholyness. So priest went to a table and he put the knife on the table. He began to pray, he said to himself, "If I break the knife, I break the curse, The Hello Man dies." So the priest took a hammer from under the table and began slamming the knife with the hammer. It began to rain. Then bang the kife splits into 2 pieces, the blade and the handle. Then all the sudden another priest came into the room and asked the priest what he has done. Just when the priest wanted to tell what he did the other priest interrupted him, telling him that he just released BURO's soul and that The Hello Man will have the full power of a Demon now that his full soul is released!

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