

Finding new life in Lauyachhara (red-eyed frog)
A new frog has been found. The frog was there before. But they had different identities and names. Two wildlife researchers discovered the true identity of this frog. They named the frog Bengali, English and scientifically. The story of the discovery of the frog has also been included in an international research paper. Another new species of frog has been added to the world's frog list.

The frog was found in Lauachhara National Park in Kamalganj upazila of Moulvibazar. And it was found by wildlife researchers Hassan Al-Razi and Marjan Maria. Their research work is overseen by Russia and co-sponsored by Professor Nick Pyarkov of Moscow University. Researchers have named this frog 'Red Eye Frog of Sylhet'. The English name is Sylheti Litter Frog. Their research paper on the frog was published in the UK's Journal of Nature History on May 26.


Hassan al-Razi, a member of the research team, said the frog had long been thought to belong to the Leptobrachium smithi species. But they think that this species of frog is far away from Bangladesh, Indonesia and its surroundings. Birds can come. But frogs can't come that far. Thinking about all these, they thought that the Leptobrachium species that exists in Bangladesh cannot be Leptobrachium smithi. In the midst of these thoughts, they came in contact with Russian professor Nick Pyarkov. He told them that he was thinking the same thing about this frog.

Researchers have named this frog 'Red Eye Frog of Sylhet'. The English name is Sylheti Litter Frog.
Researchers have named this frog 'Red Eye Frog of Sylhet'. The English name is Sylheti Litter Frog. Photo: Courtesy of researchers
The three then planned a study together. Then in June last year (2020) with the permission of the Forest Department, the two researchers worked for a week in Lauachhara National Park. Returning from the field, he started another phase of research on frogs. First take the physical size of the frog. Then he did the rest of the work in the laboratory. The entire work is supervised and co-sponsored by Nick Pyarkov from Russia. In order to establish themselves as new species, they performed physical measurements of the frogs, molecular analysis of their frogs as well as their callus. That's when it became clear to them that this species of frog is completely different from other frogs.

The body color of this new frog is gray to black, with black spots on the body. These colors help them to blend in with the leaves. Their hind legs are relatively short. So can't jump too loud. Interestingly, the upper half of their eyes are red. Where light falls, bright reflection is created.
According to the research team, there were a total of 53 species of frogs in Bangladesh before the discovery of this new species. As a result of this discovery, there are now 54. Another new frog has been added to the world.


Marjan Maria, another member of the research team, said the frogs were mainly found in the middle of the forest. However, during breeding, they leave the leaves and come down to spread. The rhyme lays eggs in the flowing clear water. After hatching, the banyan trees grow in the water. This bank is called 'Litter Frog' in English because it has fallen leaves.
Researcher Hassan al-Razi said in the first light that this frog was the first discovery for the world. Although it was before. But in the identity of a different species. Although the call of all frogs seems close, its call is different from other species of frogs. The call is a lot like a duck. When a new species is found, it has to be given a biological name. As it is from Sylhet region, all its naming including scientific has been done in that way.

Before the discovery of this new species of frog, there were a total of 53 species of frogs in Bangladesh
Before the discovery of this new species of frog, there were a total of 53 species of frogs in Bangladesh. Photo courtesy of researchers

The researchers said they were delighted to discover the frog. At the same time there is trouble. Because, these frogs are under threat. The Lauyachhara forest, rich in biodiversity, is losing its form. With this so far two new frogs have been discovered for the world from the Lauyachhara forest and more are likely to be found. Most of the rhymes in the forest that breed these frogs and other frogs have dried up. If this happens, in the near future, the 'red eye frog of Sylhet' may not be found in Lauyachhara forest. To save these frogs, the forest rhymes have to be saved.

writer: rihab md
References: Prothom Alo.
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