

My review to The dairy of the young girl
Hi I'm back with another book review the diary of young girl which is the biography or diary of Anne Frank which hide in an secret annexe during the world war when Hitler rule to save from Hitler as they were Jewish Anne Frank's father otto Frank came with an idea to hide behind a Book shelf which was a mini home inside there home. And Anne Frank write a dairy over their which was published by her father after her death.
The diary of young girl is so beautiful and how maturely it was written by Anne Frank even though she was 13 years old back then. The is sad but truly if I say I didn't cry but I was about to cry in many pages it is good and I also was in thinking how sad how people suffer in war and only innocent life die in war and only they suffer. It taught me we should appreciate on the condition we are living is atleast good. I can't give it a star because I cannot. And hope you understand why I didn't. And please write your opinion on this book. Thankyou.
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