

Every part of yours Deserves to be Loved!
Ever wondered? Why sometimes we feel like not socializing, Why we aloof ourselves from the Enchanting Outer World? Why sometimes we feel we are Good at Nothing??

Well The answer to these questions is so simple and clear. We feel so because we allow the thoughts of other people to govern us. We just knowingly Or unknowingly superimposed people's thoughts, their ideas, their ideologies on ours, without realizing that everyone has a different one.
Very often we do believe on others, what they think, what they say and subconsciously consider those thoughts as true, on the contrary which may not be true.

So the first thing to do is to Trust ourselves, have Faith on what we do and most importantly to love ourselves. Now by loving oneself doesn't mean that we should only love our Virtues. Embracing your shortcomings is important too. Now here I may sound weird but I feel our shortcomings are our virtues in disguise. We just need to have control over our Shortcomings. Now what I mean by control means lowering down it's intensity. For example let's say one of my shortcoming is that I am a lazy person. Now if I just sit whole day and think that I am lazy, can't do anything, etc, etc.. This will make the matter worse. Instead if I get indulge in some kind of work. Be it a hobby or a personal interest or anything, it will lower down the intensity of my Shortcomings.

Lastly would like to say, Don't be harsh on yourself, Be kind and love ❤every part of yourself (Physical,Emotional,Mental) And if you are not accepting yourself the way you are, you are not loving yourself, then how can you expect the other person to do so???
© Sayali