

That's where I belong
" Once I called someone , he was one of his kind and later he proved it " I said
" How " my beloved asked
" He broke my soul apart and made me feel like non existent " I murmured
later , I walked down the stairs in order to get a glass of water while my soul friend was having a look at my house and recalling all of those painful and unapologetic things I have done and regretted all my life for her content of life she's been preparing to write about , maybe she found that interesting and worth letting others know yet another moment I added little sugar in my glass and gulped it as soon as I reached the first floor and continue our conversation .

Moments were passing by as she was staring up at ceiling, That was certainly really dark and had bright little neon stars like a whole sky was flourishing my ceiling and walls were identical to a view of space and she hesitantly asked me because I had no kids and lived my life alone and among those four walls and one roof.

She uttered in low voice, " Why is your room like this ? "
I answered with a smile, " Because I always wanted to become a star apologizing whole my afterlife to this world if I hurt them and made them feel bad so this room reminds me every day to wish Lord to make me a star among those thousands of stars twinkling and looking over their loved ones " .

She continued her questions as I was writing down a note that I wrote before she came . She asked me what I was writing and I said if I die then open the first drawer of my closet and read everything you want about me. I was just thinking about everything I have done wrong with the one I loved and lost the one I loved even got betrayed by the one I loved most in this whole world. Maybe it was my mistake that day to make a wrong choice at a wrong moment but carrying that regret of wrong choice and losing him was more like a living hell throughout my whole life . I have spend my whole life wishing to be forgiven and loved but love has never been a part of my life unfortunately.

She clicked her fingers in front of my eyes and took me out of my overthinking and asked me about that note and added, " Do you still Love him after what he left you and you became alone "
I was standing by the balcony that moment and staring down with that note in my hands .
she turned around to get the glass of water and I jumped down and she was speechless and out of every emotions she screamed and ran down to my lifeless body and snatch that note written ,

" I have always loved him even when I made a wrong choice , I got betrayed too and ruined by him and broke down to my soul but I forgiven him because my love was much more than my life and me , now I am gonna be one of those stars and apologize him and this world whole my afterlife because That's where I belonged since a long time "

She was crying real bad and I was feeling bad too but now I am a star, I can't help her but I hope it won't be my mistake anymore and I took my regret after the life I lived unloved and lost ....

© Straighttoheaven