

A Scar - Conclusion
When I opened my eyes, I found myself in hospital, and I was surrounded by my father and
mother. ‘are you, okay son,’ dad asked. At first, I didn’t understand what was going on, but later,
when I regained my consciousness, I muttered ‘where I am.’ My mother said, ‘police found you
faint out near the turn at the lake.’ ‘And they also found a scar on your right forearm, we got so
scared, son.’ ‘Thank god, you’re okay,’ my dad said gladly. One police officer from behind came
and asked me a question, ‘kid wassup, tell me what happened to you.’ ‘does someone attacked
you or kind of accident.’
I thought is it worthful to explain to them what happened to me. Because nobody will believe me
and from what I have gone through. So I explained to them that it was just an accident, and due
to the traumatic experience, I fainted out. Today when I think about it, I felt it was yesterday,
whereas it’s been 15 years. This scar on my forearm is a reminder, but that incident and this scar
never bother me because now I feel used to it. It feels like an unerasable part of my life.