

Two thieves and the plot to die
In a far away city, long long time ago, there lived a man whose riches surpassed that of many. He was very humble to everyone he saw. He was indeed kind man and so he was blessed.
But one occasion, thieves came to his 🏠 house, and so he entertained them thinking they were guests but they came to find out information about the man's belongings.
So, the next week when the man had travelled to be with extended family, the thieves then came to take the man's most prized possessions and they succeeded in the act 😿 'cause no one was around to stop them. But of course fate could not allow a man who was so good to suffer and so it happened that one of the many people the man had helped saw the thieves and followed them.
The two thieves were very greedy and each one plotted a plan to kill the other and take all the 💰 money.
So, the first one plan to shoot the other one when he came back from buying the food and the second planned to poison the food and so it was.
When the second had come back; the first killed him and are the food then died. The man that was following them saw their fate and took the 💰 money and returned it.
1. It is never rewarding to do evil.
2. The good will never suffer.
3. It is good to help others when you can 'cause you'll never know when you can be helped.
© Oghenejivwe Ese-oghene
If you think there are any other morals in the story, pls write them in the comment box.
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