

Bellas past...
One day i wake up to my mum saying that i have to get ready for my new school, I was very excited until i got there. I realize that i have no friends... but then this girl comes up to me and introduces her self to me, her name was lilly. She asked if i wanted to be her friend, of course I said yes because i have no friends, as the day went on me and lilly spent all day together, a few months went by and I've been seeing lilly less. One day i found lilly eating lunch with another girl that i didn't know, I asked if lilly wanted to hang out after school... but when i said that she got up from the bench and laughed at me... I don't know why but then she said that she never wanted me as her friend, she was just using me to get popular because i was the best student in class so she would always ask if I can give her answers on test and homework.... I started to cry, she called me a cry baby because of that, they started calling me names then she punched me in the stomach... i started to choke out blood when I got home my mum noticed that i was pale, I told her what happened and i said i WANT to move to a different town... obviously she said yes because of what happened. Then we moved to a different town and got a beautiful house, a few days later my mum signed me up for a different school, i went to school the next day and met the nicest girl she was the president of the school me and became best friends and that's my past, it was horrible at first but then i met a good meat loving friend 🥰