

Rewind On That Bad Video Game should We
Once I walked to the tree I saw what I thought was over but know it was not.
A killer is running out if a home and to the streets. As I lady in blood comes out oh I am dead anybody stop him.
So I saw and heard the call and once I
did I ran to her but she was gone so I call the police from my cell phone and
then I run back through the woods and I see a man in blood I run and get in my car parked down the road. And I drive off so that may have puzzled the man but it was all part of the plan. For I was a dead persons secret weapon which I was going to wage at him. So I turned the car around got my weapons and headed for battle and like a video game
I was all in position to find the man in blood. So I looked behind trees but no
I looked behind bark but no until I came to the water and there he was oh.
So I take my stick and run at him and
fight I could not see if he had other weapons but I took him down like
a deep I was trying eat. And he was no match for me and as he was dieting in the cold storm. He told me I am not the killer some men left by helicopter
I walked in the home and found her so you killed the wrong men. So then like in most games I flipped back to start
over because I thought the wrong drama.
Now the wrong man is dead and I see a shadow the killer is behind me and he is yelling and screaming and the real kin does not like this. An this bad man just keeps right on to much is in the wild and it. Is very strange but I can make
it and away I go and the killer chasing
Me with snow and I see unhappiness
In the mist of all this but my will is strong and it moves mountain and
killers out the picture but I can move
right on and I hit the side and fall out
the game and me an the killer is on different sides of the earth and all
the world is good for a minute because
I am not dead. But I have a daymare
And in that dream I see you drive away
with a knife in his hand and he driving
To where the killer be and you get him
or her who ever the shadow is as I have
gone crazy in the mist of the winds which got me puzzled but I run and make it to the car and get out of there
now I can live. But I get in and in my
back seat who invited you and it was
another player. An me and him got the he'll out of there. Did you know about the killer yes he is my father then he stabbed me with an ice sickle. And I say don't kill me boy we need to live and play the game like father like son.
Then we drive and traffic stops us
as we hit the interstate everybody and there mother or father's or workers are all on the rode and the tow man making money towing them but it's more cars then he can tow. So I got snacks and drink in the car if we only had a bathroom but on interstate everybody was using the pea here pea there until gridlock stops. An it was about to get fucky on the interstate
with us all not having no bathroom.
And me and him had an extra cup in the car to roll down the window an lightly pore our liquid s in the snow
so as to not hit the same place. But others put it to shame and my only thought was how could they let those other players in the game. State police giving tickets and I laugh this not what
you see everyday on the street or roads
this is a state of emergency.
So if you every get in a jam like this
watch the snow plows in the backgrounds. And have an extra store drink cup in the car for such emergency. So I roll down the window and see my pea froze thank goodness
no strong smell. But I can't say that for every car on the rode out here but I hope there funk freezes on and then I laugh and the driver drives and just one block then we all still stuck just a few got away. Crazy rode rage in a state of emergency on the interstate for 40 minutes or more.
© lashes