

Our Fall, and Truth
Children Of The Most High Ministry

(inspirational, spiritual growth, political views, and current events)

We are a creation of confusion, and for good cause. When the fallen took the daughters of men as wives, they revealed, many secrets of Celestial intelligence, and as we evolved so did these teachings .

We were never supposed to be knowledgeable of these things until The Most High said it was time,

Lucifer did not agree with his father’s ways, and his iniquity made him a opportunist. Eve, being deceived, taking a third of the Angels in the great war and rebellion in The Kingdom of Heaven, Convincing the other falling Angels to take human wives, The disobedience of The Israelites, Sodom and Gomorrah, etc.

As sin evolved, so did our forbidden intelligence. What we know today, was never supposed to be known.

The Most High wanted our minds to be well developed, and burnished be for we learned about good and evil, but Lucifer exploited the free-will that Our Creator gave us.

We have become spiritually developmentally disabled, but falsely have called it education, intellect, or knowledge, but never wisdom.

Solomon said wisdom is beautiful, and he that truly seeks her, seeks ELOHIM and righteousness, but even Solomon fell, and so the Nation of Israel separated, and fell upon hard times.

This started a new covenant that included, the Gentiles. He who believes will sit upon the throne, by Immanuel’s side, and rule along side him.

Elohim told Adam after the end of the 5500 years that he removed them He and Eve from the garden, and his blood washes us clean, and he destroys, and wipes sin, (death), from the Earth, then He would bring Him, Eve, and everyone of his seeds, “Who believe in Him”!

So see it goes deeper than we all can ever imagine, and it’s all apart of the new Plan, covenant, and rebuild.

So it will get a lot worst before, He makes it better. Basically things needs to play out.

Written By: Minister Kori E Martin Sr.


I am 39 and originally from the inner city of East Saint Louis Illinois, St Clair County. I have always loved music, and I really was age fourteen when my passion grew. That's why I developing Black crown. When I came of age and started having kids, hip hop slipped away from me. Since the two most prolific artist passed away, hip hop has become dark and wicked, so I feel like it's time that we bring it back.
© Kori E Martin