

Doctor's Life
The old woman was near death. I could hear her try to draw in painful gasps of breath. I felt helpless as a doctor in this remote part of the world. Was there nothing I could do?This is the reality of our existence we born and we die nothing could change it .We are mortal, but we can cherish the memories of our love ones .
As I was watching her taking her last breath with her family full of sadness, she died .
And for me the most difficult part was to say the time of her death .
This is the part of my work,sometime people make it alive in harsh conditions of their disease but some time they don't.
Doctor's are not God but I believe why wait for miracles,some time you can make your own miracle .
This is the path I choose I never regret it because deep down I knew that it is not easy, we have to be emotionally strong in any conditions.
And it worth all my hardworking till now by seeing people smiles.
© ^^Imogen^^