

Death is a virtue
Why do you think you want to live so badly? Do you want to live because you are afraid to die? Or is it simply because you feel you haven't accomplished all there is to accomplish in life?

I never could understand this concept. Life and death go hand in hand. So why is everyone so eager to accept one but not the other? Death is a gift. It’s like when you finally get to rest after a long day of work. You work hard your whole life. Why would you never want to take a break? Why would you never want to just rest?

Without death, you can't have life. So the extension of life, in and of itself, is shortening life. If nothing dies, you have nothing to feed the living. If nothing dies you have nothing to fertilize the soil, in order to grow your favorite crops. If nothing dies, you will have nothing to gain from life, because everything will come to a stop.

So tell me again; why are you so afraid of dying?
© Katherine_Fern