

When I read the first line I thought of The Forest Area, but then I read the second line and my thoughts changed to The Old Castle Where a Queen Ruled. I read line three and that made a connection to the Old Castle for me. And line four also pulled me more towards the Old Castle.
Though I was still holding onto The Forest Area because of line one, I was more for The Old Castle. I then thought about both and and played with my options. I didn't see line two connecting with The Forest Area, so I reversed my thinking.
And I had the thought process of this, that lead me to my final decision=
My connection for line one was this:
First of all, an upside down tree connects with The Old Castle Where a Queen Ruled, because the tree being upside down could be a "representation" of the old castle. Because it says 'old castle', and it also says 'where a queen ruled'. Which can mean that the castle is abandoned now in it's old age or something close to that. And when the castle was young and lively with a queen ruling it, then the tree would have been upright. That was my connection for line one.
My connection for line two was this:
So if line two says 'return the princess crown', it automatically makes me think of The Old Castle. So I thought about it, and line two is talking about returning a princess crown, and The Old Castle says 'where a queen ruled'; they are two different people, so I had a few ideas about that one, but here is my main one. So for 'where a queen ruled', that's past tense, so it also connects to the Old Castle being abandoned or something similar. And line two where it says 'return the princess crown', that could mean a lot of things. For line two, it could mean that the princess crown was stolen, but I don't really like that idea a whole bunch to fit with my thinking, so I am going to go with my more stable idea. Line two could mean that the princess herself was stolen many years ago, and that connects to The Old Castle, that doesn't have a ruling queen. The queen could have been too depressed after her daughter was taken from her, and after searching high and low, and still not being able to find her, she became depressed and could no longer rule her castle/kingdom. So the castle was left without a ruling queen but wasn't abandoned.
My connections for line three and four are less stable and just supporters for lines one and two:
I thought about line three, but couldn't really figure that one out, so I am still contemplating this line, but if I come up with anything I will update this paragraph.
And for line four it could mean, that whenever you find the princess and bring her back to the Old Castle, the queen will once again rule and the tree will once again stand upright once more. And once the land is restored, the treasure will be revealed.

-- Lauren R.
© #outriderlauren

@Cassieberg Thank you for your fantastic treasure hunt start! I love it so much and as you can probably tell, I have thought a lot about already, thank you for having such a great idea! If anyone can come up with the perfect treasure hunt, it's definitely you!