

Three men. Three fathers. Three stories!
a. Father figures shouldn't leave
b. Father figures shouldn't die
c. And father figures shouldn't touch the body

a. Father figures should come home every evening
b. Father figures should see you grow
c. Father figures should touch ( your soul)

a. Father figures should hug
b. Father figures should live
c. Father figures should stay fathers

a. Father figures should teach
b. Father figures should yell
c. Father figures should play, not with skin

a. Father figures don't abandon
b. Father figures don't leave
c. Father figures don't traumatize

a. I don't know whether fathers are precious or not.
b. I don't know how lucky is it to have a great father.
c. I definitely don't know how to react to father love.

a. I lost a father when another family found its.
b. I lost another father when reaper found him.
c. I lost another father when it got under my clothes.

© Geeps