

eclipsing sorrow
I sat on on my throne of lies and masks and wonded what will I do? The unknowable beings are scary. They pretend to care dispite being indifferent they have there own goals in mind not one person in the world gives a damn about being nice anymore. there are monsters I don't understand. I hopes this pain this trivial foolish pain goes away. Why is it that the more I try to understand the unknowables I see static in the world around me. Is it turely my fault I allways try to believe in people but every time I take off my mask, people simply can't see me for who I am.to live inside there mold why do they do that. why do people put me into this hell. this sick game we call life isn't it crappy. you can't live an authentic life anymore we allways hideing something form someone we care about its like. each of us has built for ourselves a castle of glass to keep us safe. can you tell me why our lives are such a sick joke.
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