

For the Readers of The life of Myst a Novel Series
readers note: This should be fun as I never really had a plot for the story so bare with me.

The story begins with wolves, of course there are four differant ones, the first is the Artic wolf pack, Second is the Timber wolf pack, third is the Grey wolf pack, and fourth is the lone black wolf. The scene is set in the vast and over Tilions of hecktors wide, it will have mountins, rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, dens, caves, waterfalls, frozen ground, its set in the winter time. The main characters so far are as follows Phara, Artimis, Myst, and her three siblings, the timber pack healers, hunters, guards, scouts, and fighters, then the grey with scouts, guardians, elders, a beta, mages, and dark arts or magic users, The lone wolf who will evenully join Myst once when she becomes an adult in her pack later in the story, there are of course the what you the reader may see in said forest, touch, taste, smell, do, the what, why, who, where, and how come, so on and so forth. I will make this novel story as readable and hopeful with no grammar, mistakes, typing errors, I will depend on a dictonary, history, name gens, plot gens, character sheets, and the like so i am able to proide the best read and book for you the reader. I always will like to have helpful, writers or comments, and of course the likes. If you do see something i may miss please refer to it so I am able to correct it, or a cowriter if need or another ghost writer, or credit or afermations will come at the end of the novel. and of course this will be series of novels to come so be on the lookout for them in the future. So with that the plot for The Life of Myst will begin.
© Ghostwriter Phoenix