

Mr. Rohan Stevens, family man, married with two lovely children, works for a pharmaceutical company called Genisys for about 10 years now, a great worker, liked by many within the company, made a few friends along the way.

But, Rohan hid a very dark secret that has come back to haunt him.

Years of gambling addiction and greed has brought Rohan down to rock bottom
with no foreseeable way out of his

Over the years the gambling has got worse.

It has brought him down to the depths of despair, often resulting in collaboration with the members of the underworld .

Due to his lack of finance and the fact
is over the years he has exhausted any
friends and family he can turn to.

But as Rohan knows dealing with the
criminal fraternity comes at a price,
a debt owed, is a debt to be repaid.

He knew the consequences, but greed
and addiction is a deadly antidote.

Slowly and little by little Rohan got indebted it crept up on him, loan sharks
the underworld and he got himself into
a position where there was no way out.

While at work one evening he overheard
two colleagues discussing a recent robbery that occurred within the company a very large sum of money
was reported stolen

But rumours have it that it was an inside
job and only amatter of time before the
police close in.

Rohan has to keep looking over his shoulder. Is his secret about to be revealed?

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