

The grotesque realm of the awareness of the worlds that lie beyond the physical universe of the mortal eyes are a mystery that has been unraveled little by little by various experts int the fields of psychology, philosophy, occultism, to mention a few.
Consciousness goes more than to say the awareness of things around the individuals immediate five senses namely; sight, sound, taste, smell and touch. It is the full awareness of the unseen forces that regulate and directly steer the course of the material world in which we inhabit.


This measure of the said topic is no more different from the famous Mona Lisa painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, hiding codes and messages behind color and fascination. Due to the diversity and difference between thoughts by diverse, multiethnic and heterogeneous individuals though the years and ages, the truth has been rather masked, left to be discovered by those whose scope are larger than the dogma of society, religion, and other factors that might not be known to the individuals themselves.


Fortunately, individuals from all walks of life cannot be identified with this. Reason because most people are comfortable with the routinely wake, work, get paid, eat, sleep syndrome which makes them satisfied with their everyday life and not raising the question 'why'.
Here are mostly included the artist, philosopher, psychologist, occultist to name a few; individuals who asks the question 'why' and challenges existing dogmas of various kinds so as to see what is hidden in plain sight. People who are labelled as awkward, strange, odd, different, heretics, blasphemers, rejocts of the society in particular and a thought movement in general.


From the moment the first man to ask himself the 'why' question began, the unending search as to how this hidden knowledge, or to some schools of thought, dangerous knowledge, could be made available to man, he discovered that the influence of societal dogmas on the individual thought process affected the way he received, perceived, handled, divulged, disintegrated and applied knowledge thus creating the five levels of consciousness which, for this topic, would be given terms that would be familiar to all who come in contact with this as per the behaviors the individuals below show.

Type 5: The layman

Of all types enlisted in this paper, the layman is the most naive of the group. Having known nothing more than the routinely wake, work, get paid, eat, sleep syndrome, all his life, he lives and breathes and runs the rat race. Never amounting to anything more than what he has become and never asking the 'why'question.

He is the perfect example of a child born, grown to a certain age to be enrolled in a school and further to a college where he earns a degree and uses said degree to get a job where he works under a boss that hands him a paycheck come months end which is not enough to cover his needs for he now has a family of his own who he needs to provide for.
He then works multiple jobs so he could cover costs and earn more income which pushes him into debt by reason of life unfolding before his eyes, living that way till his old age and so handing over that same way of life to his offspring before he passes on. Such a man, we can say that he was actually alive and survived, but never actually lived.

Type 4: the religious

Hey there, I would like to introduce you to someone I know, he is a conformist, a loyal follower of dogma, pledging loyalty to never cross the fences and see what is in the compound beside him, he follows every set rule laid down for him by his superiors who does his thinking for him and does not question them.

He never knew that beyond that fence are untold secrets hidden from him, of course, he is loyal to a fault. He is a little bit better than the individual in type 5 as he place his beliefs and partial conduct into something that is higher than himself.
All the time, events happen in his life and he ascribes it to fate and says he cannot do anything about it.

He knows absolutely nothing about who he outside his physical body, always reluctant to using his mind beyond it's limits because he wants to avoid a headache. He has heard, more times than one, the discussions of 'unbelievers' and 'infidels' discuss the why question but he pays no attention to it or strongly reprimands it because those discussions are alien to him therefore coming to the conclusion that something is wrong with the world he lives in.
He always sees the speck in the eyes of others ignoring the log in his own eyes. His movements are restricted by society for he is seen by all as no different from the layman. His work life is no different from the layman except that he has a place of worship in which he becomes a permanent resident, having hope in what he believes in and receiving no form of improvements; of course, he sees all these "trying times" as a means by which his Creator "tests his faith"

Type 3: the atheist

Now we meet the most reasonable of the few discussed above. He could be put in the same class or given the same name as you would a philosopher. He lives his life in the entirety of the world of reason. He asks himself the 'why'question every now and then and sets his life by rules he strictly adheres to.

He disagrees with dogma and questions most, if not all of set rules to live by that does not agree with his standards. A nonconformist to the core and a rejecter of dogmas, especially the religious kind. His work life is far better as his standards he set for himself guides him through work and play.
He is quite the happy fellow with most aspects of his life on track; after all, noam is totally free from troubles and converse thinking is an illusion. He seems to be the perfect human until you talk to him about the spiritual. He rejects the obvious truth that the physical is actually controlled by the spiritual.

This lag in his beliefs however, makes him unaware, or better put, rejects the idea of consciousness. After all, consciousness is unseen and thereby unbelief in it means unbelief of self.
Though he has this fault, he is far better off than the type 5 and type 4 individuals, for he is better off than them, in thinking and the life he leads.

Type 2: the spiritual

In this category, one can easily get lost because in here lies a combination of individuals who lead diverse lifestyles. The only thing common to them is the fact that they have full knowledge of consciousness, believes in the spiritual and all that is synonymous with it.

In here are the philosophers, astrologers, numerologists, alchemists, mages, fraternals, occultists and so on. These individuals live their daily lives constantly exposing various subjects of the why questions and are never comfortable in their comfort zones. They are 'mad' individuals, odd fellows, non-conformists and their minds are mazes.
They are found in all walks of life and give respect to whom respect is due. They are the best and the last group of individuals in this list. As fascinating as their work and spirituality may be, this class has the most diverse of beliefs and not all groups believe in the same.

Although, they all believe in the spiritual and their everyday lives are governed by it, fully aware and keep unraveling mysteries.

Though heterogeneous and a total wild race, they are surely the best of the individuals in this list.

Type 1: the enlightened

The Enlightened or the Enlightened One is the one, the only, the most significant entity in the whole of existence. This entity is in full awareness of consciousness because it was created by him. He is the fullness of all there is. Therefore no man, however enlightened or well knowing he may claim to be, can fit into this category, for it belongs to the one, the only, the Creator.
We can see that below the type 1 entity, that is, the Creator, there are four levels of consciousness inhabited by four types of individuals created by the type 1 entity.

It is therefore in the wholeness of the Creator that we can say that the grotesque realm of the awareness of the worlds that lie beyond the physical universe of the mortal eyes are a mystery that has been continually unraveled little by little throughout the ages by various experts in diverse fields that recognizes the seen and unseen forces and that even, is not merely a glimpse of the wholeness of the Creator.