

The rain is pouring and school is just a constant bore of hell. Waiting, Ralvent starts drawing across his desk.
Wondering what to do, he stops his pencil and begins erasing the drawing of a female teenager. She's been in his dreams. Time slows as he remembers her and he looses all of his senses and he falls into a dark blackness. He then falls against his bed with a loud yelp. He starts coughing up blood and jerks up wondering what happened. He stands up and sneaks out of his window and makes a run for the school. He trips and remembers her soft white skin and starts falling again, he hits a branch and starts falling through trees jerking around as the branches bruise him and beat him. He hits the forest floor but it turns into a body of water. He starts floating down into the water unable to swim up. Nor able to yell for help. He begins gagging and then he sees the girl.. He gets a better look.. For the first time in his life he speaks.. 'Mother..' He gets drained from the water and blacks out completely going into a grey room. The endless abyss.. The room to choose Hell or Heaven.