

Life 13
The sight of adolescence,
Do you remember when you were a child and some things seem to make sense while other were completely foreign to you?
why is this?
The time spent before you became self aware for most people is a complete blank, yet all the while from the moment of your own conception you have one goal, To Survive.
To say a baby is completely helpless to do anything is not entirely accurate, If a wolf is going to eat the baby, the baby starts to cry.
No matter how insignificant it may be to defend against a wolf, isnt the baby doing all it can to survive?
where do you think these instincts come from?
preprogrammed impulses?
When you are under anastasia just before surgery, where do you go?
You'll have no memories of that time nor will you dream.
I assume this is what it's like before you were born.
So where is the knowledge coming from?
to preprogram something genetically the amount of science that goes into it can confuse most mainstream doctors let alone the adverage person with no genetic background.
Why is it do you think if we are able to clone a sheep we are not cloning humans?
Do you really think we are so intelligent that we through moral structure would not attempt this feat?
Why not then simply alter the D.N.A so children are automatically immune to diseases such as chickenpox,
or polio or cancer for that matter?
The point to all of this is the science behind the human life is so shaded in darkness we often overlook the simple things we are able to achieve while being a child and pass them off as cute or smart, when in fact its preprogramming.
Is it the mothers instinct to protect her child that gives the child its instinct of survival?
I mean the new born has no concept of life being precious,
or that death is ...well for the most part permanent.
arg...life just got in the way so I will have to cut this short.
Take care and be safe, it's a jungle out there and you're not always going to be a lion.