

The Pain in my Knee.
It happened on 13 November 2023. It was Monday. Sunny day, and I attended my class and checked my homework from my teacher. And asking questions from my teacher. And said Goodbye, teacher and teacher said goodbye with a delightful smile.
And I went outside and closed the door. I put my bag on the bench outside and went to the restroom it was not humor it was a serious incident and a tragedy too. And it was a very clean restroom and well-furnished. When I turned suddenly a cracking sound and I fell and looked like I sat on the floor my feet were outside the door and I was inside. It was not a humorous incident but a serious incident. It was the second tragedy that happened to me. And I will tell you later. And I pressed my knee tighter I felt pain in my right knee but I not cried. I was feeling agitated due to pain.
When I feel better I stand up and up my trousers and tie them."
It's not as humorous as you may think.
It was an incident for me. I went outside from there and sat on the bench. My mother was sitting there. And I sat on that bench and pressed and felt pain in my knee. My mother said " Eat something and drink water" My mother insisted.
"Okay Mother" I replied.
I drank water from my bottle ate lunch and rested for a moment. And drank water and rested for a moment. When I felt good finally I stood up and went outside from there and went there where my mother was sitting on that bench. I sat on that bench with my mother. I ate lunch and drank water. And we left from there. I couldn't walk properly and reached the bus station.
And we sat on the bus and watched the scenes on the bus and stations are coming. We reached Wilbur station and there was a library I renewed my book and she wished me the best of luck with my studies she smiled at me and I smiled at her too.
"She is a very polite lady," I thought. When we returned home my brother was mimicking me. And I felt angry and upset too.
And I sat on the chair beside the table. Later, I went to put my bag in the room on the table. And I drank water I couldn't walk properly. I became lame. " How will I go to school tomorrow Mother?"
"You can't walk properly and you are thinking about going tomorrow" my mother replied.
"Okay, so can I email my teacher"
"Yes you can do"
"I am going to rest in the room"
I went to the restroom changed my outfit and went to the bedroom I sat on the bed my knee was paining and I could not bear the pain. And I put my spectacles and my cell phone on the bed near the cushion. And I tried to lie on the bed but I felt the pain I tried to be careful and caught my right leg and put it on the bed and put my left leg on the bed. And I lay on the bed and emailing to my teacher.
Email address.....
Good afternoon teacher,
I'm Lavleen your ESL student. I want to tell you that I'll not come to school tomorrow. Because I fell today my knee bends and I have pain in my knee. And I can't walk or even run. So that I can't come to school tomorrow. Thank you I hope you received my email.
Yours sincerely

I want to tell you about my past incident it must be my tragedy. It happened to me when I was fifteen years old and I was in ninth grade. It was 5 September 2019 and I had my English exam. I was packing my bag for school and when I suddenly turned toward the door *crackling sound*
"Ah! " I fall on the floor It pains a lot there was no balance I couldn't catch something like a door and a wall If I could catch my knee couldn't bend or I would never fall. It happened to me in my left knee I was lying down on the floor I couldn't get up from the floor. My brother and my mother standing in front of me "Get up get up from the floor" my brother encouraged.
"My dear get up from the floor" my mother encouraged too. "Ah!" I tried to get up still I felt pain in my knee and I finally got up I couldn't walk " I'm okay " I said to them.
" Eat some breakfast with milk," my mother said.
I sat on a low couch ate breakfast and drank milk. I gave some rest to my knee and I think no one knows what incident or tragedy happened with us. Later I took my bag and went to school and I had my English exam I attempted all the questions and wrote the answers and I greeted the examiner "Good morning mam"
"Good morning" she replied. And I gave her sheets and I went outside and I went to my class. And I sat on my seat and I was reading my History book but I was not feeling well
No one asked me how I was. My Math teacher entered the classroom " Good morning Mam"
"Are you giving gifts to teachers?" she asked.
"Yes Mam"
"OK now come with me I'll take your teacher's room," my teacher said politely and smiled at me. I got polythene from my bag and went to where the teachers were sitting It was the staff room and I walked like a lame. I entered all my subject teachers were sitting. "She brings gifts for teachers" They looked at me.
And I gave a gift to my Hindi teacher, English teacher, and my Physics teacher, and previous Chemistry teacher. They smiled and gave blessings to me " God bless you" my teachers said to me. And I forgot my Math teacher. She stared at me like she was angry with me " This is for you, Mam" I gave her a gift, and she became happy and smiled at me. And I went from there and went to my class there on my seat and a teacher was there he was teaching something and left. Finally, the bell rang, and wow three periods had gone it was lunchtime and I ate lunch. I went to the water point and washed my hands with tap water and there was drinking water I drank some water and closed the tap. I went to the class and the lunch was about to off. I sat there with my friend Payal came to me and asked " What do you give gifts to teachers"
"Pens Elegant pens" I replied to her.
"Wow this is so nice "
" What are you giving to teachers"
"I made a box and there are a lot of chocolates"
" Wow this is a nice gift" I said.
My MyMaths teacher came before the lunch break and she was writing on the paper I saw she had written which I gave to her she smiled at me I started liking her I smiled at her too. And she left from there.
(Present moment)
It was lunchtime I took polythene and went outside and my math teacher took me there where I went to the teacher's room. And I entered in "May I come in "
"Yes please come in"
I went to my Chemistry teacher he was eating lunch " Happy teacher's day Sir"
"Thank you," he said.
And he took a gift and I went to my biology teacher I gave her a gift and she said " God bless you, dear"
"Thank you, Mam" I replied. My Math teacher said, "The history teacher and Geography teacher are absent" She said now I can finally take a breath and I came to my class and sat all the students made a line and went and I followed them they walked very fast and I can't walk fast my Math teacher asked me before " Why are you walking like this" they asked.
"I fall on the floor"
They looked at me pityingly and I walked ahead I couldn't walk properly. I climbed down the stairs I couldn't walk properly because the school park was so far finally I reached the school park and I couldn't walk I reached the stairs and I sat there. And I was watching the teacher's day Programme. One hour later it was the end of the programme and it was time for the national anthem stand I stood too but I couldn't stand after the national anthem I went from there it was like stairs like a stadium and I went from there I walked slowly and I was walking like a lame. A teacher was standing he was an old teacher " Good afternoon teacher" I greeted.
"Good afternoon" he replied to my greetings.
"You can't walk from here"
"Yes teacher I can't"
Later, he took his bike and the teacher dropped me off on his bike at the senior school I felt so embarrassed and I got off the bike and I went to the waiting room. The teacher told a student to bring my bag from the room and he brought the bag to me. And I took my bag to the sofa and waited and a lady was there for me. And I drank water from my bottle. Later an hour teacher dropped me on his bike where my school auto was. And I got down from there and I sat and the driver dropped all the students at their homes and I reached my home and went to my room. And put my bag on the table changed my outfit and lay down on the bed. My mother and my father asked "Why are you lying down "
" I'm not feeling well," I told my parents. And my mother came and I couldn't even lay on the bed and I felt pain again. " I'm sleeping now "
"Okay, my dear let's sleep now" my mother said.
I don't know why my knee is so fat and when it has a crackling sound. My mother touched and I felt pain. My knee pain lasted for it took four weeks to normal. Now come back to the present I wrote an email to my teacher:

I woke up and I went to the living room, I couldn't walk properly my mother said " You are walking lame the way you walk" My mother said. My mother said right. She took a warm hankie and heated it with a heat cooker. "Do you feel comfort?" my mother asked.
"Yes, I feel comfortable," I said it felt warm but still I felt pain. After dinner, I practised a walk and took my routine medicine. I read the book "Running Dream" by Wandelin Van Dranen it was an inspirational book. Later, I practised for a walk with my mother, she heated my knee with a warm hankie but it was still normal there was no change. "Should I go to school tomorrow? " I took permission.
"No, you can't walk properly and you want to go to school " my mother denied.
"OK, Mama as you wish" I replied to her. I went to bed early at 10: 15 pm. And I sat on the bed and put my right knee and then left "Alas! I still felt the pain " I said to myself. My mother applied the cream to my knee which felt relieved from pain. And my mother lay on the bed and I lay too and I couldn't sleep but I don't know when I slept. The next day, I didn't go to school my mother and my brother were at home and in the afternoon I emailed my teacher at 4:30 pm. Application for sick leave. Email address. Good afternoon teacher, I'm Lavleen your ESL student. And I've knee pain and a leg too can't walk. I'm on rest. And I can't come to school. Please give me one more day of leave for tomorrow. Thank you. I hope you received my email. Lavleen K.
After writing the email, I thought about how hard it looked I walked I practised walking it still there was no change in my swelling. My mother applied the cream to my knee and it was relieved from pain. It was 10 pm which means Half past eleven. I slept. I stayed home. 7 days ago, there was a historical day, when I couldn't go to the temple and when they returned they bought a lot of meals. My mother asked if you could come. And next day, I received a call from a stranger it was a private number I hadn't received the next day I saw there was the same number. I told my brother yesterday about this " This is a private number I don't know whose number is this?"
" She must be your Friend "
" A Friend from Private Number," I asked my brother.
"Yes, some people buy private numbers," my brother said. Later, the phone came again to my brother and said " Attend the call "My brother said. The call got disconnected. There was a message that came from a new number,
" Hi Lavleen xx " she sends.
" Hi, Friend xx " sends.
" Why are you not coming to school? "she said.
"I had knee pain xx " I send again.
"Oh! I'm sorry " she sends.
" When I become ok I'll come to school " I send.
"Okay, my friend it's ok for now I'm your conversation partner"
"OK, I'll see you on that day "
"OK, I will call you later" I send.
Later, I came outside and went into the living room. And I said to my brother" You were right it was my friend's number " I said.
"I'm always right," my brother said.
In the evening, I practised for a walk. And read the book " The Running Dream " by Wandelin Van Dranen. I ate dinner and practised for a walk and I saw some improvement in my swollen knee. I practised conversation and listened to audio clips. On 25 November, I did my homework for Thanksgiving Day. On 28 November, The Thanksgiving Day. All People celebrated Thanksgiving Day. On 31 November, my knee was normal but I couldn't bend my knee. I went to school and my classmates asked me " What happened to your knee?"
" I Fall" I answered and smiled a little.
"Did you fall here " my friend Rita asked.
"Yeah I fall here "
" How?" she asked.
"My knee couldn't bend," I said.
"I can't understand," Rita said.
My friend Sherry explained how my knee bends and falls.
Another student smiled but he didn't laugh
"Be careful " Rita said.
"Okay," I smiled.
We went to the class, and my new English teacher came the teach us.
On 7 December, I had a listening test and on another day I had a writing test on 9 December I couldn't go to school. On 10 December, my Friend said, "Teacher will give you a Conversion Partner" she said.
During the class, My Teacher asked "What happened Lavleen?"
"I was sick " I answered.
A lady laughed and no one laughed teacher stared and she became silent. There was a stillness in the class. "Did I say something wrong?" I asked myself.
The teacher became still and looked at the monitor screen and keyboard there was a projector on the board. She teaches us. On 12 December I went to the temple and I went to my Aunt's house. My aunt asked, " What is happening in your school?"
" They held a party "
"Christmas Party " my aunt asked.
" Yes, Christmas Party"
On Monday, 15 December there was a Christmas Party there was a lot of eatables laid on the table. I enjoyed the party, there was a photograph of our class. The holidays started.

For now, my knee is better now.


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