

The Man And His Dog
All the man had was a piece of cardboard, with one word, ‘Homeless’. His hair was messy, you could see the dust piling in his hair, you could tell he hadn't showered in weeks, all he had to cover himself was a brown jacket and a white shirt. He had no shoes, he was barefoot. And people passed him along the streets, ignoring him, like he was invisible.

The man, Leo, grew impatient, he had enough waiting, he was starving you could see his rib cage! He was desperate. After a whole day of only getting a few nickels, Leo had had it. He crushed his cardboard box, there was no use. Leo made his way down town, his stench followed him everywhere, smelling like rotten cheese. He would try to get jobs, but it was hard, seeing that he could not take care of his hygiene. As he walked along the sidewalk, people scrunched up there faces in disgust. He was dragging his bare feet across the ground, tired, and hungry, not only did he feel hungry and tired. He felt alone, an outcast. Knowing that no one would be there for him. Leo heard little voice behind him.
“Mommy mommy! Can I have one?” It was a little child prancing down the street beside her mother, she gestured towards the basket the mother was carrying in her arms.
“They’re for your father..” The mother says, carrying the basket of baked goods, muffins, baked bread, and a jar of jelly. Leo eyed the basket the mother was carrying. Leo didn’t want to it, but he felt like he had no choice. It’s not like people cared for him anymore. Leo dashed towards the woman, he grabbed the basket tugging it. The woman and child screamed. Leo kept tugging the basket. The basket had a handle on it, the mother was hopped the handle under her arm, so everytime Leo tugged it would scrape against her skin causing a rash. Leo tugged harder, until the woman eventually managed to twist her arm out the handle of the basket. Leo took off with the basket leaving the mother with a red rash on her arm, running away. “THIEF!” The mother cried out. Everyone looked as they see the barefooted man run off with the basket of bread.

Leo was able to run far, far away, the sky turned orange as the sun set. He felt a bit guilty, he wished he didn’t have to steal, it’s not like he had a choice. He walked far away from the small town an open field with abonadoned train tracks, ther he sat enjoying his meal for the day, which was just bread, and plenty of it too. There he sat munching on his bread. Leo saw something in the distance, he squinted his eyes, the figure came closer. Leo saw standing right in front of him, A Pit Bull Terrier. It was brown with spots on it’s eyes. Leo looked down and saw the rib cage. This Pit Bull must have been just as hungry as Leo was. Leo rolled his eyes taking his basket of bread and walking away from the dog, but the Bull just followed after.

“Leave me alone!” Says Leo. “I stole this fair and square!” The dog kept following Leo. Leo sighed. Leo knelt down and threw some bread on the ground for the dog to eat, Leo watched as the dog ate the bread. “I guess you’re not that bad!” Leo said. He sat down with the dog eating watching the sun set. There was only one piec of bread left. Leo looked at the dog eying him. Leo quickly put his hand into the basket, but the dog was to fast, he bit down into the basket biting Leo’s hand. The dog grabbed the bread and ran away. “RUAGH!” LEo yelled, he picked up a rock and threw at the dog but missed. Leo groaned, there was no point in chasing after the dog, he lay on the soft grass prepearing himself to sleep.

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