

The Man And His Dog
All the man had was a piece of cardboard, with one word, ‘Homeless’. His hair was messy, you could see the dust piling in his hair, you could tell he hadn't showered in weeks, all he had to cover himself was a brown jacket and a white shirt. He had no shoes, he was barefoot. And people passed him along the streets, ignoring him, like he was invisible.

The man, Leo, grew impatient, he had enough waiting, he was starving you could see his rib cage! He was desperate. After a whole day of only getting a few nickels, Leo had had it. He crushed his cardboard box, there was no use. Leo made his way down town, his stench followed him everywhere, smelling like rotten cheese. He would try to get jobs, but it was hard, seeing that he could not take care of his hygiene. As he walked along the sidewalk, people scrunched up there faces in disgust. He was dragging his bare feet across the ground,...