

Once Upon A Time...

You passed like the wind, unperceived.

Like the summer leaving out of the blue. Taking with you all the warmth and love—and the memories.

Who are you again?

I can smell you around but—I can't see your face anymore. I can hear your laughter bouncing from the hallway walls, your footsteps, the feel of your rough hands against my skin—your whispers during cold, stormy nights when I couldn't sleep.

When the monsters in my head were awake, cackling and taunting.

"Tell me a story." I always ask you.

And there, you finally open that old desk with a locked drawer. You never leave it open for me to peak in. You said —"This drawer is a door to a different place." But where is it, is always the question. You smile at me and eventually, pull out a book—and you start to read.

"Once upon a time..."

I can...