

the flower...
One time I was shopping and when I went to pay for the food. The person who was at the counter had a flower in her hair. I didn't think much of it but.. I felt very uncomfortable around her. When I was about to pay for it, she said hi. I just gave her the money and left.. But I came to the store often and. We soon became friends. But one day..I was listening to the news. And it said there was a stalker coming to my street.. I locked all the doors and windows. And went to sleep. The next day, when I went outside for my daily run I felt.. Like the people were fake.. I just went to the shop and saw every one had the same flower in their hair. It felt like they were watching me... I went to the shop and everyone was looking down. With a very creepy smile. Even my friend. I was gonna tell her about my wierd day but. Before I could even say anything she said. "You know the news wasn't right about the thing bieng human, and it wasn't Amy. It was me."