

A Beautiful Wonder
Write a short story from your past that involves light or darkness in some way.

I was lost and found in the moment I felt that kick buried underneath my belly. In the darkest moments of my life, there relentlessly reminding me, reassuring me, to have a little faith was the beautiful wonder of her. The only right in all my series of wrongs, she was the little beasty I was bringing life to, and she was saving my very soul. No, she didn't reach a strong arm in and pull me from the depths of my destruction but she filled me with her life that just like the beautiful lotus grew in darkness and dismay.

But rather than petals, she was beautifully written from feathers and flame, setting fire to my soul. She freed me from the forever I had settled for and gave me faith in finding my ever after fairytale.

And then there was the Spark, and her Beautiful Beasty with feathers and flames, saving my soul for the seven headed Beast who would save himself by saving me.
© Tabetha Simpson