

Lision to you parent
On a sunny morning a young woman name patrice woke up and cooked for her husband and son .Here son love to stay in bed late cuddling his dog he did ' nt get up early so she when to wake him up he told her to "wait nah ohh gesh man" as he was about to shout his dad called him as his mom gave them some time to talk
His father said son lision to your mother as he saw his father crying like a bady he ask what's wrong
.......Son nothing as he said no dad somethings wrong why? are you crying
........He said you see son when "I was a little boy your age I did the same thing I never woke up on time for school after some time I noticed my grands we fallining because I will always be late to school I was getting in trouble for being late
My mom cryed and stop waking me up she leaft my and I know why she did . YOUR MOM love you she does noit want you to be like me
............Im sry dad I should of noticed this as he went to his mom his mom was about to say sry but he stopped her insted he said sorry mom I will try getting up earily and he made her a present
After he bacame the top student his grades got so good he went to a collage and his past was free

So you see your parents will punish you for correct thing dont think it's hate they love you
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