

Magical Purse
Before this story begins, it’s important to know about the magical wallet. This wallet was always filled with money and never ran out. After taking out money in the morning, it would be filled again by the next morning. However, if anyone other than the owner looked at or opened it, the wallet would become empty and never refill.

Rajeev lived in the city with his parents and was responsible for the household expenses. He was always searching for work, taking up any job he could find to make ends meet. One night, while returning home from work, Rajeev found a wallet filled with money. He looked around but didn’t see anyone, so he took the wallet home and hid it in a cupboard without telling anyone.

The next day, he returned to the same place where he found the wallet, hoping to return it if its owner came looking for it. For a week, he went back there every morning and evening, but no one came for it. After a month of waiting, Rajeev decided to use the money in the wallet. That night, he took out half the money and spent it on household necessities. A few days later, needing more money, he took out some again, thinking it might run out soon, but to his surprise, the wallet was still full.

Confused, he thought it might be due to sleepiness. The next morning, he checked again, and the wallet was still full. At one point, he felt scared, but then he was also happy. He continued taking money from the wallet, and each time he checked, it was still full. His happiness doubled as he began providing for his family, sending his parents on trips and buying them new clothes. As the household expenses increased, Rajeev started taking money from the wallet daily.

Seeing the sudden influx of money, his parents grew suspicious. They wondered if Rajeev was involved in something wrong. They started watching him closely but found nothing unusual. One day, his mother caught Rajeev taking money from the wallet, although she didn’t see the wallet itself. She discussed it with his father, and they wondered where all this wealth was coming from. They decided to check Rajeev’s cupboard while he was out.

The next morning, after Rajeev left, they searched the room but found nothing unusual. When they opened the cupboard, they turned everything upside down and found the empty wallet. They examined it closely but discovered nothing. They put everything back as if nothing had happened.

When Rajeev came home, his routine was the same. He opened the cupboard in the morning but found the wallet empty. Shocked, he wondered how this could happen. After thinking it over, he realized he had taken out too much money, which might be why the wallet was empty. Concluding it was of no use, he returned the wallet to the place where he had found it.

Gradually, life returned to normal at home. The next day, Rajeev noticed the wallet was missing on his way back from work. A few days later, he saw that a friend’s circumstances had changed for the better. Rajeev understood it was the magic of the wallet. Although he felt sad it was with his friend, he was happy to see it working.

A few days later, Rajeev went to his friend’s house and found the wallet. He looked at it and placed it back, but the wallet stopped giving money. His friend then discarded it back to where it was found. The next day, Rajeev picked it up again, bringing it home. He was excited, thinking his fortunes were about to change.

That night, he went to sleep with the wallet, but in the morning, he found it empty again. He was deeply hurt and finally understood the true nature of the wallet's magic. He decided to drop the wallet outside a poor person's house, hoping it would improve someone’s life. The very next morning, Rajeev dropped the wallet in a poor neighborhood, believing it was a good decision.
