

The instructions were clear:
'Go in, retrieve the package, don't look back.'
That simple.
He did everything right till he looked back..
Seeing a little girl wrapped with a blanket
Her mother most have gone out to get some food (he thought) smiling sheepishly he dropped the packet smiling at the baby while she giggled.
He vividly remember the instructions but couldn't leave the poor girl alone.
He carried her on his shoulder,played with her and even went to the woods to get firewood to start a fire since he felt the baby was cold.
He was playing with her when he drifted off 😊 sleeping soundly.
That was the last thing he remembered before being dragged to the police station charged with two offences : kidnapping and theft.
He was later sentenced to twenty years imprisonment but he never for once regretted his decision to care for the baby instead of taking the package.
After few months,it was later discovered that he knew nothing about the offences 😏he was just an errand boy sent to receive the package containing the Ransom money for the baby because the police caught the kidnappers.
The leader of the gang who sent him was caught and sentence to 20 yrs imprisonment while he was released.
The mother of the baby girl thanked him and employed him to be her cook since he's good at it,he also earned a home of his own and lived happily.

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