

Exercise Your Faith!
Ditto to the way physical exercise puts your body in shape and makes you fit, so does spiritual exercise (faith) puts your situations in good shape to fit your needs.

Today, I was troubled on how to get a particular thing done and I was fortunate enough to be conscious of what faith can do and immediately, I exercised my faith.

Within some seconds, what was troubling me was settled.
At this very moment, I have a true knowledge of the great power embedded in faith.

This true knowledge, I momentarily desired and craved for and I prayed to God to always give me the consciousness of exercising my faith. For I know, I may forget, when another troubling issue occurs again.

I reminded myself: Mercy, You cannot be lazy with physical exercise and still be lazy exercising your faith.
That will be a big error if you do. For when you exercise your faith, your life will be in good shape.
To you too - dear reader, learn to exercise your faith!


© AM Odunayo