

Love U Both To The Moon And Back
There's not a day that goes by that We dont think of the Both Of You We all Miss U Both So Much The Pain of Not Having You Here Is So Emotionally painful, I couldn't Imagine Our Life Without You Both I Wouldnt Be Able to Breathe anymore, The Day They Took The Both Of You was The Day It Tore our Hearts Into pieces Like a Puzzle Shattering our Hearts Leaving All The Pain In Our Lifes Your Mommy was so Broken she felt So Alone ,Scared,And Screaming with the Pain of Watching Her Babies Be Torn Away From The Only Life They Knew to A life of Being Around People They Barely knew It was The Most Terrifying thought of Having All our Lifes Torn Into A Million Pieces trying to find the place they are supposed to be God watch over our little ones till the day they come home.
© Cindy Rutherford