

The Making of Mr. Herman Way
Herman was born brilliant. Even just after his beautiful mother gave birth, he was immediately saying, "mama." Both of his parents were extraordinary people, good looking, clever, and complete with hearts that went beyond their union and preparation for the baby, to great thoughtfulness for all humanity. Fate however doesn't take a survey before ill falls upon them and Herman went from charming nursery to orphanage.

There his passions began. While guardians orchestrated his upbringing with an ample share of chores, a great appreciation for nature, a love for the arts and a great additude for studies, he saw that life was full of complexities and the great need for solutions. He would think about this while enjoying the beautiful edible and ornamental gardens on the hills serenaded by songbirds. One favorite place to sit was in the orchard. Sometimes fresh fruit would actually drop into his carpenters apron. He would devour the fruit as he learned about life and academics.

His apron was for carpentry, being a carpenter's apron, and he used it for that. He enjoyed learning to build furniture and construct. Nevertheless it also had useful pockets to carry things like pens, pencils for drawing and pads of paper.

Once he jumped over a tall fence as he wanted to see the world and he climbed to the top of a mountain. He pulled some binoculars out of a pocket and looked around the gorgeous valley. There he saw an orchard with one sort of tree. He zoomed in to look at the fruit. It looked like fuzzy light orange balls, kissed with deep pink. He took out a drawing pad and made a fascinating drawing of a detective finding a fruit from such a tree and a blow up of the image of the fruit. Then, Herman saw the sun was setting.

He ran back and vaulted back over the orphanage wall. Inside he saw Professor Likely who started rushing towards him exclaiming, "Where have you been? We've been terrified that something terrible happened to you!" Herman apologized and showed Professor Likely his drawing and asked, "What's this fruit?" Professor Likely answered, "That's a peach." Herman then, asked, "It looks tasty, can I try one?" Professor Likely answered, "Maybe one day, but today, please be grateful for the fruit from our own orchard."

Years passed and one day at the counselors office Herman was given a choice between a scholarship to become a businessman with a work program and a scholarship to draw art as an apprentice at a world renowned academy, and with both scholarships he was told, "You will have a work program with a great benefits plan so just choose whatever you want." Herman said, "Then, I want to be a businessman. " The counselor asked, "Why? You could spend your days playfully making captivating art that many would love, business can be complicated and working with people can be challenging. " Herman replied, "I can make art in my free time anyway. I'd these are my choices I want to excell in business and raise money to do good things in the world." The counselor was impressed with his answer, and asked him to keep in touch as he wanted to make sure things went well.

Years more passed and Herman was in another garden with an orchard, filled with a great variety of peaches. One fell into his carpenters apron. After he enjoyed the peach, he called the counselor. "How are you, Herman?" "I'm doing very well," Herman replied, "and now I'm a successful businessman. I wanted to thank you and all the wonderful people at the orphanage for taking care of me so well in the absence of my parents." The counselor said, "I'm so happy I feel tears in my eyes." The two chatted happily and said their good-byes at sunset.

Herman thought, I think I'll try to help the orphanage with a surprise. He fell asleep dreaming of plans to help reorchestrate things for the orphanage and other needy children around the world. Herman was an orphan, but he learned agape love despite it all.

© Kaylene Peters