

Magic Bag
An old lady traveling in a train. she was so suspicious about her co-passanger, the girl looks like a witch. her eyes stands her beauty.

old lady switched back her eyes on her book. she started reading book for awhile.
when she look beside her the co-passanger was absent. she searched for the witch girl in train. but she was not found, she already left the train.

old lady back to her seet, she found a bag beside her. bag looks so cute with a black eyes and with a spects. she was so curious to pick that bag.

she took the bag, old lady thought the witch girl might forget her bag.
old lady opened the bag to find any address to return her bag.
but nothing found. infact the bag was empty.
old lady was confused..
why the bag was empty??
where the girl has gone??
The old lady kept the bag a side and back to her reading.
after sometime the lady felt starving. nothing found in train to eat.
she saw the bag and thinking something should have in this bag to eat. but it was empty.
the train started moving so fast then the witch girl bag fall down.
the old day picked it up, she felt the bag has some weight,
how does the empty bag feels heavy??
the old lady opened the bag and saw in side the bag. there is a lot of food in the bag.
old lady was in shock, how does the bag has food now??
when she saw the bag first time it was empty.
now bag has alot food.
she just staring the bag for few minutes.
took the food and started enjoying it.
but her mind was in question mark.

the train reached her destination. she took the bag with her and left the train.
she also reached home soon.

After reaching home she placed the bag beside her bed.
everyone in the house asked about bag.
but she said that's her bag. no one have rites to touch the bag.
every one in the home obaid it.
the bag is beside her bed.
and the old lady slept at night, she got a dream.
she is dreaming alot of money.

when she wakedup she saw her bag filled with lots and lots on money.

the old lady was in shock again.

how does the bag filled with money??
where does it come from??

then she realised that when she think something or when she dream something. the bag is fullfilling her dreams.
she was in shock and also happy.
she can't share the bag with any one.

she kept silent, and fullfilling her dreams with the bag.

© @ Divya~