

behind the smile
life is not perfect, but in a smile it can be to others, many smile on the outside, screams on the inside, because at time what we see is not what we get and we are left to pick up the pieces, of our love, heart and life, there is a saying that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, when we chose to love someone we love all there ways, good and bad but sometimes we are blinded by that smile, that welcome us , we don't see all that is wrong, until later when we are too in love, so in love, I rather one tell me their ways first let me see if it's something I can look pass or work with because when one comes into a relationship, love and the bad things start it's not a good feeling, at times we sit and look back at all we have been through only to say " what was I thinking" well for me I have done that so many times, looking back and wonder if I was so blind to many things, most times is not what you see, you get, I grew up my best friend was my diary I tell it everything good ,bad everything, sometimes we as female have to deal with so much and hold it in because we fear what others may say, we have the kids, while we stay up late with them, we go to games, we hold it together what I have learned in life is if we hold in too much, it's going to break us wear us down to nothing, the moments we give our past power over us we are in deep, I always tell myself that i could do it on my own I don't need anyone so I work and work because my past was too much, for me, my past broke me. let me put it this way, years of being sad, unhappy, hurt, broken, can take it tole on us, because I have been there, I know what it's is like to be called names, taken for granted, treated less than nothing, yea I know, because who I taught i knew I didn't, the moment you have to watch what you say and do there is a problem, the moment you hear I will hurt you, there is something wrong, the moment you have to be walking on egg shells around that person something is wrong, we have one life to live, we have to love ourself because if we don't no one will do it for us, the moment you stop looking the right person will be there, it won't be perfect but it will be much better, don't let am sorry become a tune you hear every few days or each day, don't let i love you, you will never find anyone better stop you, the moment you have fear something is wrong.
note: a heart that is kind and caring will be strong one day because problems in life don't break us it makes us , regardless of how it was you are here for a purpose, because you are strong. give no one power over you because they didn't create you God did he is the only one with athority.