

Episode 2
"Well, Sola asked his daughter to stay with us for a year until she gains admission.We had to send her back after a week because we were rich." Ronke sighed.
"Rich?If you were rich then why did you send her packing?" Officer kolapo looked confused.

"Ahnahn...Officer are you not a yoruba man? You should know I meant things aren't really going well for us." She answered looking pissed.
"Sola was very angry because he felt Solomon should be able to cater for his daughter due to the fact that Solomon got the largest share of their late father's property.It wasn't even as if their father was that rich to will valuable properties to his sons."

"Is there any other person you suspect?"
Ronke shrugged, "Not at all officer.It's only sola I suspect."
"Thank you ma'am for your time.I can assure you we will find your husband's killer." Officer kolapo said with determination written all over his face.
Ronke left the police station afterwards.
* * * *
Ronke walked slowly to her home.She was lost in thoughts.Her eyes moistened a little as she determined strongly in her heart that she would make sure Solomon's killer is killed as well.She entered into the compound where she lives with her children and her husband before he died.Her neighbours ran to her immediately they saw her and gave their condolences. This made the tears she had been holding back burst out uncontrollably.

While they were still consoling her,Sandra the eldest of ronke's two children rushed out of the room.She tried to help her mum to their room and pushed away the neighbours.Obviously, sandra didn't want anyone's pity.Sandra had resolved to stay strong for her mother and her sister since they received the news that her father had died.

She hurriedly went to the corner of the room to get her mother a cup of water hoping that would calm her down.Ronke took a gulp and asked for her second daughter.
"Where is your sister?"
"I prepared her for school immediately you left.She is still at school." Sandra answered.
"Hmmm....Sandra, your father is gone ooo.He has truly gone ooo...He has left us.Soji said it and he did it.Soji has turned me into a widow." Ronke said with a shaky voice, shaking her legs as well.
Sandra sat beside her mother to console her.

"Mummy, It's okay.Don't cry anymore.You and I know that it isn't Soji that is behind it."
"Ahnahn...What do you mean by that?" Ronke asked looking surprised.
"I mean...Isn't that what you wanted?You wanted him dead.Infact you said you were going to kill him with your bare hands."
"Ah Sandra!When did I say that?"
"Have you forgotten the day we came back from shop earlier than usual only to find dad raping my younger sister."Sandra bursted into tears but she continued to speak.

"Mummy, did you tell the police my father raped his two children countless number of times before he died?" Sandra's voice was bitter.
Ronke stood up abruptly.She quickly ran to the door and shut it.
"Sandra!Why are you shouting? We all promised as a family to keep this as a secret.Moreover your father already apologized."
"Apologized?" Sandra exclaimed as she laughed hysterically.She wasn't ready to stop talking. She was ready to pour out the pain she had been nursing for years.
"I was traumatised for years.My admission into the university was my escape route.I told you but you always shut me up and beg me not to tell anyone..." Sandra's voice was getting louder.

"I didn't want you to be scarred for life.People will talk.It will be very embarrassing! I loved your father Sandra.I tried leaving him countless of times but I couldn't bring myself to do it.He promised me he would change.I didn't want you and your sister growing up without a father."
"Having no father is better than having a pedophile as a father.Scarred! I am already scarred. I'm empty.I already lost my dignity."Sandra said in a cracked voice.
"I'm so sorry Sandra.Please don't tell anyone about this." Ronke said feeling she had failed as a mother to her daughters.
Sandra cried like a baby feeling like a loser. Ronke hugged her daughter tightly as she kept on apologizing.
* * * *
"Mummy,daddy can we sleep in your room tonight?" Eva and Edward chorused as they entered their parents room clutching their pillows tightly to their chest.
"Come over here.There are policemen outside protecting us,you don't have to be scared." Mrs bakre said.
"Your mum is right.Even if there are no policemen outside, No harm can come near you while I am here" Mr Bakre said smiling widely.His wife and children begin to laugh uncontrollably.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Nothing dad.We only remembered the day we heard gunshots and you ran into your closet telling us you were trying to seek God's face" Edward kept on laughing
"And the day we saw a snake.Mum said you should kill it and you said you can't because the snake might be the breadwinner of its family." Eva added.
"Err...It's late.You have to sleep now.You must not be late to school tomorrow." Mr Bakre said hoping it will make them stop laughing.
Mr Bakre prayed and they slowly drifted to sleep afterwards.

The policemen continued working tirelessly on the case.They arrested Sola but Linus was nowhere to be found.Linus' family told them he travelled few days ago.While they kept on looking for linus,they interrogated Sola who made them realise what they didn't know before.
