

i long for the feeling of home again.
I long for the feeling of home again. This place is nice but it isn't what I know. I miss my family, the knowledge of the area,,,I feel like a stranger here. Like I've just been dropped in the middle of this cold lonely town. I long for the feeling of home again. I know I'll go back someday, its inevitable. But I wish so badly for that day to be soon. I miss the haste of the city and the quiet place just outside of my hometown. I miss the friends I had and the places we went. I miss the themed diner that was always too cold and noisy. The flea market that played country music to conceal the loud buzzing of the lights. I miss driving past old houses and remembering what life was like when I called them home. I miss the familiarity. I long for the feeling of home again. "so why do you stay here?" Because I love him. I dont want to lose him. He does a really good job of trying to make me feel like this is home and I really really appreciate it...but I know it just isn't. It's nothing compared to my home. Home is supposed to feel comfortable and safe. Theres people I dont know and places I'll never step foot in. I long for the feeling of home again. I guess, with time, I might be able to learn to like it here. But as for right now, I miss my home. I long for the feeling of home again.
© pennelope