

🐺 THE CAVE 🐺 (Part 5)
I opened the door of that house and went inside! Some items were scattered inside,Also some glassware was broken!. I didn't understand anything, I just went inside!The back of the house was like a small garden! I went further inside.

Then I saw some footprints and it was a little different! It was like the footprint of an animal!, I just went a little scared! That footprint went into the forest! I followed the footprints! I went to the forest following it!. Then a strange noise was heard! I went towards that noise!

Mr. Herman turned into a wolf when I visited nearby! And he killed a deer and ate it! I screamed in fear at the sight of it!. He looked back at me! I started running from there in fear! That wolf Herman looked at me and chased me! then I blocked the root of a tree and fell down! And I fainted !!!.

I looked up and saw! I was in a house when Mr. Herman was in human form near me! I was scared to look at him and I thought to go from there !! Aden came there and stopped me! Aden said patiently "Lia! Don't be afraid !! Herman will do nothing for you!",

I asked in fear “He .... is he an wol... wolf?", Aden said in a calm tone to that "Yes! He's a human wolf! But do not be afraid, he is not in any danger to you !!", I said nervously I said, "Leave me to go to my house", Aden said "Lia! Don't tell anyone what happened here!".

I asked confused "Why?", To which Mr. Herman said angrily "If you say so I will eat you!", I cried in fear! Aden said with a smile "Lia! He's making fun of you! Don't be afraid!".......

🍀To be continued 🍀


© ms_writer_8