

One at the bus stop ❤️
It was a rainy day. I ran to my bus stop to catch my bus. The sky with Smokey clouds poured heavily. All my clothes were wet due to rain and i was running without an umbrella. As i reached the bus stop, the bus which i had to catch on left the stop and i shouted but my voice couldn't reach because the thunder was also clashing with loud noises. I sighed and went inside the bus stop to stop myself to get wet, although i was totally soaked into water from my tip to toe.

I was totally frustured from the running a long way to the bus stop and above all i was totally soaked in rain and lost my college bus. I was angry. A voice inside my head my banging the walls loudly, shouting amd mocking me because i was wrong. I sat on the chairs which were opposite to the snacks stalls and tried to get the water out of my clothes by folding them with all my strength luckily I didn't carried any books today but still i was irritated with the mess i was in. I sat amd waited for the bus while the thunder and the rain were still clashing and pouring heavily. "The next bus will arrive in 1 hour" the announcer announced via speaker. I groaned.

I sat there for 15 mints and the air around me felt chilly beacuse i was all soaked in water. I shivered. Goosebumps covered my whole body. I went to a snack stall and ordered a coffee and drank it sip by sip. It helped me feel a little warm. Atleast, a coffee made me a little happy in this heavy pour. I drank the coffee slowly so i might not feel much cold. As i drank it slowly, i looked around and something caught my eye. There was a group of 3-4 boys hanging behind the wall laughing and smoking. They all were soaked in water just like me but they were happy like they enjoyed being wet in the rain. I can hear them clearly beacuse i was sitting opposite to the snack stall. One of them came across the stall to ask the stall owner for some cigerettes. He was tall and had a nice body. As he moved around the stall while all i can see his back, even his back seemed to be perfect i guess so. I heard him talking to the stall owner. His voice was deep. A bit soft with a harsh tone. The way his Husky voice pierced through my ears, it sent me shivers and the chills my backbone felt. He was wearing a Black shirt and blue jeans thats all i can see from behind. His shirt was tightly sticked to his body because of the rain, he was soaked too. His folded shirt from arms showed me the veins which were totally sexy. Maybe he does workout. Even his shoulders are broad.

I know i looked like a pervert to look at him shamelessly but his back was amazing and I can't stop myself from thinking about his face. I didn't saw his face if his back can be so amazing, what about his face? Thess thoughts came across my mind while i drank the coffee and while thinking about these things i forgot i was drinking the coffee sip by sip and beacuse i was so lost in my thoughts i took a long sip of hot coffee. I shouted in pain. And all my mouth spitted was "FUCK" in pain. I cursed my stupidity 1000 times in my mind, while the stall owner and the boy looked in my direction because i shouted. I was embarrassed enough and turned my face in other direction where I can't see them. I looked at the time there was still 20 minutes left for the bus to come in. I groaned

After creating an awkward situation at the bus stop and looking here and there I again looked at the stall. The boy who was standing there earlier had left the stall and went back to his friends. I tried to look behind the stall, while I search for the face of the boy. I felt a chill at my back and my instincts knocked in my head warning me to not look at that guy becuase i felt like he was already looking at me. My heart skipped a beat and it thumped hardly and rapidly against my chest. He was staring at me as I looked at him. I was shocked. I take a long breath and released a sigh. I noticed that he was handsome. Handsome enough to make all the girls go crazy for him. Those dagger throwinh eyes of him were sharp and curvy with long eyelashes. They were beautiful. The color of his eyes were green as an emrald or like a round droplet of water on a green leaf. While he was laughing and talking to his friends I looked at him secretly. His smile was attractive, the way he chuckles was cute. Even his jawline was sharp enough. He has the perfect face with smirking lips and the soft nose. I wanted to stare at him more and more. I was lost in his beauty, though he was a little far but i wanted to see him from close. As i was lost in his beauty suddenly i heard a loud horn and the announcer announced again the Bus have arrived passengers kindly board on the bus. I came back to my senses and rushed towards the bus. While i board on the bus, i looked behind and saw the boy again he was standing close to the bus and had a small smirk on his face while our eyes met and he waved his hand said goodbye as the bus started.