

THE REUNION (part 2)
Oh no! Am running late again, that cold hearted bitch is going to kill me. I took my keys, switched off the lights, locked the door and raced all the way to my destiny. Wait a sec, don't tell me!! I again forgot to refuel my car. God must be kidding with me, I am struck in the middle of no where. And it's surprisingly very unlighted. The darkness of night is giving me chills. I was searching for my fuel reserve, suddenly I felt a light weight on my shoulder. I looked behind to check, " Mummmmaaaaa!!!!! " I screamed as loud as I can. Somehow, I managed to lock myself in the car. I heard someone knocking on the windshield. "Look, whoever you are, spirit searching for host or host with spirit. I am really broke, I don't have single penny!!!! ", I pleaded. " It's me Yuki, calm down ", said the spirit. Wait a second, did the spirit said he is Yuki! My goddess, doesn't it seems to you like a Movie Scene straight from a melodramatic movie. 'A clumsy girl gets lost in the woods and then comes the hero to save her'. I started talking to myself. I gently opened the door and went out, " Sorry, to act like that" I apologized. "No no, it's my fault. I must have startled you. Sorry about that" He said apologizing. "Oh, I expected that you would come in this reunion, glad to see you Yuki" I said giggling. "Not more than me though, hey my car is few steps away why don't we walk to it" He said realizing the situation. "Sure! " I said immediately. It's been so much time since I have met him or talked to him and somehow it feels unrealistic to me. I always wanted to be in contact with him since we left high school but I guess I never really had that much courage. And now, I am trapped in this game of regret. Okey, let's get back to present. We swiftly reached our destination. The place felt so warm in this month of December when I saw everyone, once again. Maybe reunion aren't that bad. The night looked denser than ever but when I was with everybody it didn't felt scary at all. It was my first time, to have a bonfire at a haunted palace! We went in too, to explore the palace. We split into groups. Ya, you got it right I was teamed with Yuki. To tell you the truth, the experience was rather hilarious than being terrifying. We found this antique box with stones in it. Yuki handed it over to me. I was astonished, when I realized he still remember I loved to collect stones.

Next day we took lots of selfies and group photos. As my car was out of fuel, my sweet bitch asked Yuki to drop me. She lives nearer than him but there are somethings that never change when you are with your friends.
When I was in the car with him it felt cold and my head also began to hurt but his jokes were so funny that these things felt trivial. At last when I reached home he said, " I tried my best to make this day memorable for you. I know, you are not going to forget this ride with me that easily! " He smirked. " Oh ya, then let's see but thanks for today." As soon as I entered my room I fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed. Like when I woke up I was amazed to see how long can a man sleep. I entered into my kitchen and stuffed my face and sat on the couch with one leg floating. Just when I tok my phone, a message pop up on the screen, 'it took you long enough to wake up', what the heck. Wait a sec is there some sort of hidden camera in my room? Aah man! I hate incident like these, whatever let's see the picture. Gallery, gallery where are you..... Here you are. It was strange when I opened the gallery, all the pictures started to turned black. I thought it was hanging but when I again opened my gallery again all the photos started to get vanish at last only one photo was visible,it was a group photo and all the other photo were vanished, like I never took the pictures. After some time that group photo everyone started to fade away at the end I was the only one left. I immediately called Miyoko(my bitch) to tell how weird things are going on.... She said we never had a reunion, hung up again and told me not to pull her legs. I also called people who were there but from their voice, I am sure that they were not lying!
Again a notification pops, 'unknown: send you a photo', I tapped to see the photo, it's was the exact same group photo. 'Miyoko this isn't funny ', I replied. Wait if yesterday they haven't met me then who were those people with whom I spend the night. I am sure I wasn't dreaming and I also have this picture with me." Aaaaahhhhhhhh!!"I screamed what was that voice. I started to look around in my house, oh it was just the antique box of stones and it made scare to death. Then, my phone buzzes, I opened the chat immediately, this time it was the photo I took with Yuki, how the hell is he getting this. A message comes,
" Hope you had a good time. I know you hate being alone, so I'll be always watching you........"

-Arpita Singh