

The Last tear: Part 6
Doctor came and told the hurt was luckly not so deep and will be cured soon.“I've reported the police about everything that happened today.They must be coming for further investigation.”said Dannah
Whole night none of them slept, thinking about what will happen the next morning.
In the morning before the meeting Amira tried to contact the CEO of the company to postpone the meeting,but the call was not reachable.
Amira and Dannah went early in case if they could meet him and tell about the documents.But sadly the CEO reached just at the time of the meeting and they were not able to meet him.
At the meeting,Uncle Aqib began with his representation.As he spoke,Amira and Dannah realized that his representation was same like there's.They waited for a while then Amira stood and spoke,“This is our plan and this is the same representation that we were going to show.He copied..” and got interrupted by the CEO,“Please,Ms Amria,I request you to sit down,let him finish first then we'll give you a chance to speak.”
Amira couldn't speak and sat down.Once he finished,Amira was asked to show hers.
Amira stood and spoke“I am sorry to say that our representation was stolen last night by someone and we still don't know where it is.I tried to connect with Mr.Asim(CEO) to postpone the meeting but unfortunately I couldn't.But I am sure that Mr.Aqib has our representation as all he said now was our plan.So you couldn't ask this lier to be President.I request you to admire me with this seat.”

What will be reaction of other share holders sitting in the meeting after hearing this?Will Amira get her desire or Uncle Aqib will win this time?
Was Uncle Aqib really the stealer of the documents?
© Beauty writes