

The confession of Icarus
I am Icarus. Son of Daedalus.

I was once so high I felt like I could reach the Sun where only Gods belong but where do you go once you get there? How do you stay on top when the Sun melted your wings away? And all you get for drowning in the sea after being burnt by Apollo is a disappointed and distraught look from Daedalus.

‘You used to be so high above everyhing and I was so happy what happened to you? Why aren't you flying anymore, Icarus? Why aren't you reaching for the Olympos again, why are you drowning, what has happened?’


I am reaching, father... But the wings you once so thoughtfully created for me are destroyed because I was so arrogant about how high I was... Please get me out of the sea, father... Can’t you see, how I’m drowning in front of your eyes? I am still alive but I might not stay if you fly further and leave me.

‘But you can fly, Icarus, you can fly like no human!’

Not anymore, father. I loved the Sun so passionately, the desire burnt me and the water welcomed me dearly. Perhaps it was all my fault this whole time for loving something so much.

© anaelmallory