

I can't take anymore
I think it's time,
I think it's time for my goodbye,
I have felt pressure in my life
I have always thought about suicide but it's different when u get deeper in disguise, that mask it weighs u down
it takes over your soul
it takes who you are
with no support there ain't shit to fight for, cos as sad as it is
humans find their confidence in others,
even if your like me ya typical "don't give a fuck", " run ya mouth" rebellious kid,
you still have a part of you
even the tiniest bit
inside you that questions you EVERYTIME
someone don't like you,
like what's with me
what is it about me
why did I hear that this person ain't judgmental,
but I felt the most judged at that point,
the main ones that tear you down are the ones you choose
the ones you can't
the ones you have spent most of your time with
laughing and smiling
their opinions matter the most, if they think your amazing
your on cloud 9
if they suddenly went from I love you
your amazing
how did I get you
to wait a minute
I got something to do,
your feral
I ain't even know why I'm with you ,
that shit changed overnight,
how that make you feel
how that effect ur mentality
did it make your confidence rise cos your a battler ur always down for the fight,
or did it make you weaker
cos your tired of fighting
you need some time off your feet, you need some reassurance,
you sick of proving
what your worth,
like if people really cared instead of rarely shouldn't I see what they all say about this shit called love is it not the only free thing on the planet,
is it not the one thing u can't buy
it is the only thing you can't plan but at the same time,
is it not the best thing to let it go and do what it do
cos cupid shot me with an arrow ur name babii it is engraved,
but when he shot mine at you,
I'm almost certain
he nearly missed you ,
u only got grazed,
can barely see the scratch,
your lucky I guess,
I'm wearing the worst of this,
the worst of us,
your leaving you can't take it ,
all cos no one accepts you
but what u don't get I am always gonna be the disappointment in my family is not about u it's me,
I don't think they ever want me in a relationship,
honestly ,
not unless it's with whom they choose and I ain't the type, to do what I'm told,
i'm the type to literally do the opposite,
i don't get this life I ain't understand a thing about this journey
I know I been a difficult person wasn't always the nicest
I never once thought sacrifice would be my best option
the best option for the kids
omg I can't forget about the ex
well I think that's what he is lol
who knows anymore
I ain't know shit about my life it's only here to be run by others
I'm like a robot
but I ain't gunna live for ever my energizers are running low, they are running out
I fear I'm on the last straw , im shaking right now
cos I feel it in me if only u knew the half of it u might even start to try to understand
but we both know u couldnt, actually ,possibly, really ,fully, completely ,understand
me and the reasons
behind why I am ,
who I am,
I ain't no saint no!
I never preached to be something I ain't,
I am a soldier, I own who I am , my rep is all I have ever had, since my dreams where ripped out from under my feet at age 10 cos what I wanted ain't matter to anybody I was only there doing what others wanted me to do, and I'm still here doing the same shit but I have lost everyone, and even worse I've lost all I am , i ain't got a fuckiin clue who that bich is in the mirror , I hear it's my reflection , but I ain't ever met her during the fuckiin process, I don't know what to do , I think it's my time, I feel it and when god calls u home, u gotta go, I hear the call, that's my name that's being called, that's my phone call home..
© sandiiRsalt