

the thorny road isn't always harsh to caroline
Episode -2
Caroline was so excited about it ...she spends the day with Merlin planning how she will spend her first pay check....
So the company is about ...
Where the employees tries to collect a story from the couples who lasted their relationship for 20 years giving them a chances to tell their stories interviewing them how they overcame their hardship and difficulties? How do they managed to keep a strong bonding relationship ...collecting the stories they write a stories based on the true stories ...

Caroline was always curious about the unknown guy that she met . There were lots of questions in her mind...what if they crossed the same road again.? She was quite anxious...

Merlin : aline are you day dreaming ?

Caroline : hmmm ...

Merlin : there is no way that you are dreaming about that guy right aline?

Caroline : Huh...well yes he told me that we might crossed the road again..what does that mean?

Merlin : it's okay to crossed the road to each other until you care about it ...

Caroline : hmmm ...why would I care about it I was just curious ...

Merlin : curiosity is where it all begins aline ...

Caroline: hmmm right...but I wonder what will be my first task ...

Merlin : they'll let you know once you reach the office. Anyway go get ready .. Don't be late it's your first day.

Caroline: ok ..

Soon aline reached the office ....and her first task was to go and meet Mr Reuben and his wife Aria for the interviews ....

Team leader : Caroline you should go and meet Mr Reuben and his wife Aria . Mason will assist you how to do it .

Caroline : alright sir.

Mason is a guy who had been working in this company for more than a year . His personality suits him the best . He is a cool guy.

Mason: are you Caroline? We shall move out now Mr Reuben had another schedule so we can't be late

Caroline : yes senior ..

Masom: you can just called me Mason ..be easy and comfortable .

Caroline: ok ...

While they are in the cab Mason told aline how to do a proper task . Told her if she needs any help to ask for it..

Mason : since we are working in this project together how about we exchange our numbers.?
Don't worry i'm not ganna bother you apart from this project.

Caroline : well that's ok ...but should we call Mr Reuben first? if he had another schedule . We might missed the chances to meet him

Mason : don't worry I already called him before we moved out he'll be there.

Caroline : since it's my first job .I'm quite excited in the meanwhile I'm quite nervous. Mason you have to teach me from the very beginning

Mason: that's all right Caroline ...how about we become friends that will be more comfortable for you to ask me if you need any help .

Mason ask for a handshakes . Without any hesitation Caroline shake her hands

Caroline : thank you ...Mson you are my first friends in this company apart from My best friend Merlin.

Mason: well if its Merlin you don't need to worry about anything ..we both have work together in several projects .

Caroline: do you know Merlin? No wonder I choose my best friends friends . I'm lucky

Mason : you don't seem to talk alot before ..but now you feel quite comfortable with me..that's a good one ..

Caroline : humhum right

While having the conversation they reach Reuben address . Mason call Mr Reuben

Mason: hello ...slMr Reuben We reach your address ..are you home?

Reuben: yes I'm

Caroline : is he there?

Mason : yes ...he is ..

Soon they meet Mr Reuben and Aria .

Mason : we are honoured to meet you Mr Reuben.
Well I heard alot about you Mrs Aria . And you both look so good together ..
Without taking much time let's begin with the interview ...

Mason :Mr Reuben how did you met your beautiful wife Aria ?

Reuben : it all begins when I went for an interview at the hotel . She was the CEO of the VIRGO hotel and I was just an employee Yet I ended up with her . Love can overcome anything if you have the courage to do it . Aria love me as much as I do to her .

Aria : there was a day when I went for a business trip to another cities, Reuben was on vacation on the same cities ....after some meetings For some reasons my secretary went back home as she received an urgent calls from her family ...so to spend some time I went out to see the beach and I lost my way while going back to the hotel so Reuben helps me to find the hotel ...

Reuben : i didn't know that she was the CEO of the VIRGO hotel that I had already given an interview before the vacation .
We became friends so I went back home and I got an appointment letter from the hotel that I had been recruited . On the first day to my office I saw Aria and I came to know that she was the CEO of the hotel . I was quite shocked and feels uncomfortable for me to met her .

Aria : after the recruitment every employees that were hired would be interviewed by me as to know how enthusiastic they are ..and to get to know them or to treat them well so I called Reuben to meet me at my office ..I still remember how nervous he was and uncomfortable with me .

Aria continued ... talking .

Aria : I told Reuben take it easy and make yourself comfortable I'm still your friends the name CEO doesn't change our friendship . I' m glad to know that you are working here... atleast I could have that one friends who doesn't treat me like a Ceo ...

Reuben : we loved to hangout together and watch movie. It doesn't take us a long time to fall for each other. We can't stop the flowers to stop blooming when it's time to bloom but Since Aria was the CEO it was hard for us to meet in a public place she would come to me with a mask on and hats on to hide from the camera but still we get caught
And the rumours soon spread that Aria the CEO of the VIRGO hotel is dating her employees . There were media and press asking questions did Aria seduce Reuben ? Aria is rich and pretty so it's possible to date anyone....when I go to work the co-workers would say ...how did you make aria to fall for you? Did Aria gives you money ? And so on...it doesn't stop ...

Caroline : as Mr Reuben have said Mrs Aria spotlight must have turned into Mr Reuben ..how did you managed to work at the same company ?

Aria : as Reuben said i was surrounded by cameras for 24 hours but as soon as the truth came out ..the rumours soon spread..That Reuben got hired through me . The rumours were unstoppable . The co- workers feels uncomfortable working with Reuben . There was also a rumours that Reuben was lucky enough to met me as the hotel might passed down to Reuben . Reuben might became the owner of this hotel .

Reuben : I heard people talking at my back oh that's him..that's him..for once I feel like I'm giving a burden to Aria and I thought of resigning it. Aria almost lost her positions because this hotel was passed down to her by her grandparents . Aria stepmother tries to take that position away from her , blaming Aria that she had damage the image of the hotel. And I realized that I should stay with Aria no Matter what happens to me . And we both stood for each other and supported each other.

Aria : not every thorny roads leads to a sad ending until you both clear the thorns for each other ...

Mason : that was just amazing Mr Reuben and we will contact you again for the remaining stories since you have another appointment we will leave now ...and we are so honoured to get to know your relationship ..

Aria : oh we would love to hear from you again..

Reuben : you both should date ..you looks good together ..

Mason and Caroline smile in an awkward way and they leave. They were silent for few mins

Mason : Caroline isn't it amazing how cool they are ....they might not be together today if Reuben had resigned from the hotel . It's nice how he always keep Aria as his priority and stood for her when she needed that one friend and a lover.

Caroline : well they were mean to be together they look so good together ...

Mason smiles in a shy and say
Mason : and so we are ... bydaway have you ever been in loved Caroline ?

Caroline : humhum I wonder if ...I'd ever have time for that .. and you?

Mason : I once did but it was love at one sight ..and I got rejected ..

Caroline : hmmm ...why ? You are cool and handsome and if I'm not wrong you have a good personality too..

Mason : for the first time I heard that directly from a person ....I might fall for you stop praising me..

Caroline : hmmmph ...(smiles in a shy )..it was a long day for me but I enjoyed working with you Mason

Mason : right .. let's head back to the office and have something at the office cafeteria

After few hours they head back to the office . Caroline was surprised to know that Ethan was there at the office cafeteria. Ethan stared at her and wave his hands .
Caroline pretended not to know it and turned away...Ethan walk towards Caroline. Caroline was with Mason...will Caroline avoid Ethan again?

© verinmiwashi