

The She Factor.!!

Nothing was simoultaneously as happier and as confusing to me than the question,”How you define womenhood?” I can’t answer so proudly to that question, as i think we are still far away from realising ,it is something that need not to be defined but left to be exist with out judging. Living in a time where the movement for rights and equality at its best form,its high time to accept we are not upto the mark when it comes to realising and accepting the “She Factor”. Iam from india. I see and hear things which has been going on here in the name of tradition and rituals,which projects women as secondary,helpless ,weak and care needing (Which means Under the watch of men,here).She , even in the heart of this fast growing change of time,chained and tifled inside conditions and judgements nominated by society.I always wonder where it started? When it started? Went through a lot of matriachial social formations which are still existing in many parts of world.Now here,iam like many of the readers , in a place where we think We should”GIVE” freedom to a woman as if she gave it all to us in a bag first. Hightime we should do what we speak about.From education to marraige we are witnessing the shocking reality of society’s approach towards women.It is as old as our desire to dominate and take the upper hand. In a society where cast,separation,money acts as the deciding factors of an individual, our approach towards women hits as a bonus for keeping the patriarchy inside intact.

Why we have raised eyebrows when hearing words like women rights and Feminsit movements?? All on a sudden we becomes aposthals of equality. Then we ask “why feminism?? we need equality.” Can anything be as naive and seemingly stupid than that question?? we need to look where we stand. What are the privilages we get as men.In a society where freedom of a woman will analysed with time she choose to be outside and length of the dress she wears,we do own a huge privilage as men.That is beyond doubt and questions. Numbers of rapes and murders speaks infront of our eyes and inside our ears.Are we still being sarcastic to the concept of feminsim and women rights movements?? i think we are, even though in an ungeneralising way. Its still a thing of confusion to us that should we join the league or stay safe with the secret patriarchial majority.We feel and see for them when they are close to us.Our mom,our sister or our wife.Since its a visible trait of hippocracy,it says a lot on our approach to life and women. We do have issues somewhere inside to join the movements and issues raised by them.what i see infront of my eyes is, in a devoleping nation like mine,not even a day pass without reading about a women who suffers for something which is not even her choice.No matter its dowry No matter its marital rape No matter its a psycotic incest reality.

Change should be rooted here first.if not we would be having a big tree with spoiled roots which anytime can fall down with big noise. Separating a man and woman has been shockingly a trait that goes beyond change of time and generations.when world changes and claims to be having an equal concept on genders,we see its yet to reach places where it really needs to be badly.Where deaths and rapes happens like a daily routine.where men think its ok to claim and execute domination over womenhood as a birth right. Loud shoutouts are rising from all over the world.Its a shame if we,men choose to be away from those movements. Surprisingly patriarchy has no gender.I heard a lot of women defaming those who want to taste freedom and live life with their own choices. Sad that a huge number of women themselves been up for the spreading of patriarchy in different taglines.Some as tradition.Some as culture.You are free to be patriarchial inside your brain if you take it as a pride factor.But society is not place to dump our absurdity.If we cant walk with the change better we stay away .Women don’t need anyones permission to be themselves.To live life with their own choices.To choose either to live with someone or alone.To decide what to wear and where to work.To stay away from judgements and analysis by the society.

That wierd part of hidden patriarchy is a poison bottle we carry in our brains.Regardeless of education,wisdom and everything it still stays inside us somewhere ,which needs to be removed immediately.its not a kind gesture by a man to say i give freedom to my women,rather its a statement of hidden patriarchy which indirectly says “iam the one who decides about her freedom”.We are not.Its them and them only.Time to stay united and stand together for the “She factor” as she may be your friend,sister,mother.wife or anyone who do have the rights just as everyone else, to decide how their life should be.