

I Miss You As A Friend?
Why did I lose you as a friend?

I miss your morning texts
I miss it when you use too say “I love you as much as a true friend can”
I miss when you use to ask me “what color would I like to see this week?” then you would send me a picture of your pedicure just to make my day.

I miss the GIFS you use to make me.
Especially the one with your toes wrapped around your coffee cup. ☺️
I miss the mutual sharing.
I miss the intellectual conversation we use to have.
We could literally talk about anything and everything. With no fear of judgement just open raw conversation.
I loved everything about you.

I miss the connection we use to have as friends.
I miss the times you would tell me when you wanted to take a personal moment and I would do what I could to help you. ☺️
I miss the times you would send me a pic just before receiving just to add to the moment.
I have so many positive memories of the friendship we use to have…..
I miss the selfies you use to send me.
I miss the playful banter.
The hardest part is you’re still alive but chose to walk away….It’s so strange how we went from being the closest friends to being complete strangers.
A 4 year friendship….. completely down the drain.

I still don’t fully understand why you felt the need to leave. You even said. “I know I made a promise that I would Never leave you and I will always be there for you. I promise I will never hurt you like everyone else did” and yet, that’s exactly what you did. You even acknowledged you were breaking your promise when you said you had to walk away from me and asked me to forgive you….you were crying. That was such a sad day. I always hated to see you cry. I just don’t understand.

A few months later you sent me a text to say you’re sorry and that you think about me everyday but you can’t keep in touch anymore and it’s the hardest thing you had to do. I wasn’t sure how to respond to that….

You were crying when You left me….I was so confused, but you refuse to tell me what really happened and why you had to leave….. which is frustrating. especially because you always told me everything and expressed exactly how you’re feeling which I loved, and perhaps that’s the hardest part.

The “not knowing” what actually happened. But respecting you enough to not text you against your wishes…..so here I am just waiting…..waiting for the day you send me a text to tell me what actually happened. But I fear that day will never come. I just don’t understand how someone can be so close to you and hurt you so badly with no explanation or reason.

I often wonder if anyone else in the world had a friendship like ours and if they have any insight on what could have happened. On why you left me and why you felt the need to walk away. But I don’t have anyone in my tangible world to ask.

Because I readily understand that most people probably wouldn’t approve of the friendship we had as it goes completely against social proprietary.

But we’ve never been one for rules and we always colored outside the lines. But we never crossed the line of no return. We respected each other and everyone else around us. Hence the reason our friendship was a secret because it had to be.

If everyone knew we were friends, we knew our friendship would be completely misunderstood and we would be judged for both being married and having a platonic friendship.

Perhaps that’s what it was. Perhaps you were tired of hiding and decided it would just be best to let me go, despite the indescribable pain of feeling alone.

I just wish you would have told me how you truly felt and why you felt the need to walk away. Saying it was you and not me doesn’t help me.
Saying you “didn’t have a choice and you hope I understand one day why you had to leave me” doesn’t help me.
Saying you love me as a friend and will never forget the memories we had together doesn’t help me.

The only thing I understand is the fact that you left me….after 4 years of friendship, the longest female friendship I’ve ever had.
I don’t have any regrets regarding our friendship, it was amazing….. I’m just terribly sad you’re not in my life anymore. 😔

© JustAnotherInkling🎨