

I Can Clearly Remember
I clearly remember sitting outside on the front steps that led to the front door of the little house I had worked so hard to make half the house payment on for two years at the time.
I needed air. I was suddenly faced with a horrid legal battle for - among many things the 2 beds my 2 children were sleeping on. The piano that was in the living room. The painting that hung on the wall...Is this really how this works?
I started to cry. Sometimes there's just so much hopelessness because I don't understand something, that all I can do is cry.
I'm still puzzled by someone's reaction at times, of how they probably would have thought they were 'seeing things' or would have simply dismissed what I saw out of disbelief. I never hesitated. I immediately became a Mama Bear protecting her Cubs.
He finally admitted in a whisper, as he stood there, first trying to deny it. Then still whispering, wanting me to go outside to talk... so his parents wouldn't hear....pleading not to tell them.
I was in complete shock. I saw my little girl laying there asleep on th e bed where I saw him touching her...
It's seared into my memory. Something I wish I could erase completely.
I suddenly felt a shift. I was now on a sort of autopilot mode. I wasn't really thinking, I spun around and walked to the kitchen where there was a phone on the counter. His parents not far in the living room of the current house they had quickly remodeled on the surface with easy fixes from flooring to paint and upscale furnishings to turn a profit like they did every year.
I asked to borrow the phone, which they didn't initially answer. I asked again and they said sure...I dialed 911 and when asked what my emergency was? I said sort of matter of factly," I just caught my Fiancé Molesting my daughter. She was 7 at the time. I asked for the address amidst the slowly growing intensity of his parents and younger brothers pacing, crying, and lamenting..."Someone tell me the address here!"
I wanted out. Out of this place, away from these people and my children safe. I wanted a large bag to grab our essentials. All I was offered was a 33 gallon garbage bag. I went to the bathroom. Grabbing toothbrushes, deodorant and anything else I saw that was ours (my children and myself).
Suddenly, his father was in the bathroom as well. I looked up and he had a fat roll of cash with a rubber band around it. Trying to get me to take it.
I can't count the number of times I've gone over this in my mind since 1997...should I have taken it? I only put my hands up saying, "You are barking up the WRONG tree!"
While I waited for the one person I knew that might or might not come get me...my stepfather, going through a strange numbness while observing his little brother anguishing on the couch in th e formal living room while his parents busily tried to coo and comfort him. What odd behavior I thought. As soon+ I entered the room where they were, they quickly stopped. As if they were rehearsing some sort of weird play...it was so strange.
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